The pinyin of "The eagle is testing its wings, and the wind and dust spread out; the strange flower has its first embryo, and the sky is bright; the general is hairy, and its light is shining." The pinyin is: yīng sǔn shì yì, fēng chén xī zhāng; qí huā chū tāi, yù yù huáng huáng; gàn jiàng fā xíng, yǒu zuò qí? máng.
Interpretation: The eagles and falcons are flapping their wings, and the wind and dust are flying high; the strange flowers have just begun to bear buds, and they are bright and lush; the swords of the swords are newly sharpened and shining with light.
Source: "Young China" by Liang Qichao.
Extended information:
"The falcon is testing its wings, and the wind and dust spread out; the first-born of the strange flower is shining brightly; the general's hair is shining, and its awning" is explained in detail
p>1. Xi
Pronunciation: xī,
Interpretation: closing, gathering, which can mean closing, gathering, harmonious, and can also refer to the body of birds A general term for the back and wing surfaces.
Commonly used phrases
1. Xi moving (xī dòng)
Interpretation: The lips move open and close
2. Xiran (xī rán)
Interpretation: describe the same thing
3. Xi Zhang (xī zhāng)
Interpretation: one in one piece
2. 瞞
1. When pronounced as yù, it means: "霱", the color of clouds;
For example: 瞞皇: beautiful, good-looking; bright and prosperous.
2. When pronounced as xù, it means: "獝", the appearance of birds and beasts flying and running fast
3. When pronounced as jué, it means: "谲", deceitful.
3. 玎
1. The meaning when pronounced as xíng
(1)〈文〉[Name] Whetstone.
(2)〈文〉[Name] Tong "铏". A vessel for holding food.
(3)〈文〉[Name] uses the same "type". Type of instrument; style.
(4)〈文〉[Name] Grinding.
2. The meaning when pronounced as kēng
(1)〈文〉[Name] stone.
(2)〈文〉[Name] Same as "pit", a depression on the ground.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Young China