It was about the time when Su Shi was an official in the imperial court. Before he was relegated, one day, he went to Wu Zhai, Wang Anshi's study, to find Wang Anshi. During Wang's absence, Su Shi saw a poem written in only two sentences on Wu Zhai's desk-"When the moon barks, the yellow dog lies down." Su Dongpo looked and looked, wondering. How do you call the bright moon in the branches? How can a yellow dog lie on a flower heart? Thought it was wrong. So I changed my pen and changed the poem to "The moon shines in the sky and the yellow dog lies in the shade."
After Wang Anshi came back, he was extremely dissatisfied with Su Shi's revision of his poems and demoted him to Hepu. After Su Dongpo arrived in Hepu, one day, he went out for a walk and saw a group of children around a pile of flowers, shouting, "Yellow dog Rollo, black dog Rollo, come out quickly!" Rollo, Rollo, Rollo. "Out of curiosity, Su Dongpo went over and asked the child what to shout. The child said, let's tell the bug to come out quickly so as to catch it. Su Dongpo looked closely at the flower and saw several yellow and black insects as big as sesame crawling in the stamen. He asked the child, "What kind of bug is this?" The child said, "yellow dog bug, black dog bug." Su Dongpo left the flowers and came to a banyan tree. When you meet the ringing birds in the tree, ask others, "What kind of bird is this?"? Others replied, "This is called the bright moon bird." "At this moment, Su Dongpo suddenly realized that he had wrongly corrected Wang Anshi's poems.
One day, Su Dongpo went to visit Prime Minister Wang Anshi, who happened to be not at home. Su Dongpo saw a draft of a poem chanting chrysanthemums on Wang Anshi's desk, and then wrote the first two sentences: last night, the west wind crossed the garden and yellow flowers were blowing all over the ground.
Su Dongpo believes that "west wind" is autumn wind and "yellow flower" is chrysanthemum. Chrysanthemum is the most cold-resistant and durable. How can you be blown down by the autumn wind if you dare to fight with the autumn frost? It would be a big mistake to say that the west wind "blows yellow flowers everywhere". Whether Wang Anshi is his predecessor or not, this arrogant academician picked up a pen and continued his poem: Autumn flowers are not better than spring flowers, and he said that he should sing carefully with poets.
After Wang Anshi came back, he read these two poems and was very dissatisfied. In order to teach Su Dongpo a lesson with facts, he demoted Su Dongpo to Yingyong, Huangzhou. Su Dongpo lived in Huangzhou for nearly a year. In September, as soon as the gale stopped, Su Dongpo invited his friend Chen Jichang to enjoy chrysanthemums in the backyard. I saw chrysanthemums falling in succession and gold scattered all over the floor. At this time, he remembered the past that continued Wang Anshi's poems and realized that he was wrong.
There seems to be no record in the official history. This can't say that Su Shi is ignorant, but that he is young and frivolous and doesn't know the facts.