There are no rabbits born. The good-looking one said, "You should be rich."
In the eighteenth year, I heard that there was a famous doctor under the account of Yin Zhongkan, the secretariat of Jingzhou, who was too poor to wear clothes. He said to his family, "What's the use of living?" So I counted the welcome rice in the west and threw it in the middle. You can build your own door when you get there.
Comparable to language, it is gratifying to call a doctor to see it. The doctor said, "You can cut the patch, but you have to eat porridge for a hundred days, and you can't laugh."
Yong Zhi said: "Half-life is silent, but half-life, you have to cure it, and it is evil for a hundred days!" Zhongkan is then in another house, so that the doctor can treat it well. He kept silent and only ate gruel, which was his ambition.
And poor, Zhong Kan Hou sent it. For the first time, I was the state principal book and met Huan Xuan.
When he came out, Xu Anbi was in poor spirits and called himself a guest, saying, "The room is too dry to make weapons." Unexpectedly, it was sent without coordination.
Yong Zao, travel money, declare usurpation, assist praise. Xuan was defeated, awarded the general Jian Wei, and the secretariat of Yuzhou.
Huan's words stood out, and he bravely led the crowd to blow it away. At the beginning, he recruited General Lu and Wu Neishi, sought the secretariat of Jingzhou, exercised restraint, served as the commander-in-chief of six states, and led a captain of Nan Man.
At the beginning of Buddhism, I was dressed in cloth and was not ashamed of being poor; And in important positions, not proud of wealth. He started as a guest of Yin Zhongkan, but he didn't practice his position for a long time, which is what critics say.
Seek death by an official. Zhao Yue said: "I am magnificent, sincere in knowing the situation, and sincere in winning the same prize. I am really a famous minister in the palace; The effect of applying the results is to benefit people.
I'm worried about the losses caused by the election. You can add a regular rider to Tae-chang. "
After recording his praise, he chased Jiangling County Duke and Food City for 2,500 yuan, which was called "Huan". Wei Shun's younger brother Shunzhi to Langxie's civil history.
The family has been poor for generations, and there is no end to learning what they do by farming. There are no rabbits born.
A person who is good at reading faces said to him, "You should have money." /kloc-when I was 0/8 years old, I heard that Yin Zhong, the secretariat of Jingzhou, had a famous doctor who could cure me. He is poor and has no clothes to wear. He said to his family, "What do you do at work?" So I took a few meters and used it.
Here we are. Open the door. Yin Zhongkan talked about Kan Kan, thanked him for his kindness and invited the doctor to see him.
The doctor said: "Those who can make up for it can only eat 100 days of porridge, and can't joke." I have been silent for half my life, but I have been treated for half my life, not to mention a hundred days! ""Yin Zhongkan in another room in this place, let the doctor for treatment.
The singer kept silent and only ate gruel. He honed his will. Poor, Yin Zhong is generous.
At first, it was the state master book, and I once met Huan Xuan. When he announced himself, he despised his spirit and said to the guest, "Can't God and his family force things?"
I cann't believe it's uncoordinated. I'm out Xu befriended Emperor Wu of Song early and waited until Huan Xuan usurped the throne to help Yi Ji.
Huan Xuan failed and was named General Jianwei and the secretariat of Yuzhou. Huan Xin attacked Liyang and Yong's army repelled them.
In the early years, he was promoted to General Lu and Wu Neishi, and soon he was transferred to Jingzhou Secretariat, where he held a festival, served as the commander-in-chief of six States, and led a captain of Nan Man. At the beginning of chanting, he was a civilian and was not ashamed of poverty; When you are in a prominent position, you will not be arrogant to others because of wealth.
I was a guest of Yin Zhongkan at first, but I soon stepped on his position, just as the commentator said. He died in the office soon.
The next imperial edict said: "Wei Yongzhi is broad-minded, knows the situation secretly, and is loyal to the same prize. It is really a Ming Wang Mi; Apply political achievements to benefit the people. Suddenly there was mourning and sympathy.
It can be awarded posthumously to Taichang or to regular riders. "After he recorded his praise, he was awarded the title of Duke of Jiangling County, with 2,500 food cities and posthumously awarded Huan.
My brother went to an evil place in the history of Qu Wei.
2. Tam is a native of Guixiang, Weizhou.
Father Luo, whose real name is Luo Zongyang, started as a horse herding supervisor for our time. In the last years of Guangqi, Le's son was so arrogant that he dared not recruit and wanted to destroy the tooth army in Weizhou.
The tooth army was furious, gathered people and shouted to attack him, fled during training and defended Xiangzhou. The tooth army abandoned the joy, imprisoned him in longxing temple, forced him to become a monk, killed him soon, and elected Zhao as the successor of the primary school.
Earlier, Luo said that he met an old man with a white beard where he lived and said to him, "You will be the owner of one of the lands." I met twice in this dream, and I felt very strange inside.
Soon Zhao and the army were at loggerheads, and the army gathered and shouted, "Who will be our time?" Luo immediately replied, "The old man with white beard told me a long time ago that I could be your monarch." In April of the first year of Tang Wende (888), the tooth army elected Luo as the successor of Weizhou.
When the court heard the news, it officially granted him our time. In the period, Taizu attacked Yanzhou and Yunzhou, and Zhu turned to Taiyuan for help. At this point, Li Keyong sent general Li Cunxin to aid, and stationed in Shenxian County by way of Weizhou.
Li Cunxin went out of his way, constantly taking Weizhou horses and cattle, and Robben was wronged. Mao took the opportunity to send someone to see Luo, saying, "The Jin people in Taiyuan are determined to annex the Heshuo River. When they return to the division, your road will be very worrying. "
Luo was afraid, so he made friends with Mao and sent 30,000 troops to attack Li Cunxin and defeated him. Soon, Li Keyong led the troops to attack Weizhou and camped outside Guanyin Gate. Many cities belonging to Weizhou were captured by 8 Jin Army.
The Maoist Ge went to save Luo, fought with the 8 Jin Army in Lianshui, captured Li Keyong's son alive and presented it. Mao ordered to surrender to Luo, who killed Jin Jun before withdrawing. At this time, Zhao Kuangyin is trying to seize Yanzhou and Yunzhou, fearing that Luo will deviate from himself. Every year, when giving property on holidays, you must be modest in words and generous in gifts.
Every time Luo returned the gift, Taizu would bow to the north in front of the ambassador of Weizhou and say, "Brother Liu is twice my age. How can a friendship of brothers treat each other with the courtesy of ordinary neighbors?" So Luo attaches great importance to Mao.
Later, Luo was officially proofread by Qiu and was appointed as Linqing King. In August of the first year of Guanghua (898), he died in office.
After Luo inherited his father's footsteps and claimed to stay in Weizhou, the imperial court appointed him by the way, and then officially gave him an axe and a shovel, sealing him as a proofreader, part-time assistant minister and Changsha county king. Moving eastward to Luoyang, Taizu ordered each to build Luoyi, while Luoyi built his own ancestral temple, and the imperial edict named him the imperial guard and made him the king of Ye.
At the beginning, during the Zhide period, Tian stole and occupied the six countries of Xiang, Wei, Yi, Bo, Wei and Bei, recruited children from the army and put them under his command, which was called the "Tooth Army", and they all gave generous rewards, which made the Tooth Army extremely favored. A long time ago, father and son came down in one continuous line and became close friends. The cruel man took bribes and violated laws and regulations, and officials could not stop him.
It's just like a child's play to change the coach casually. In the past 200 years, from the beginning of chefs, coaches have been cancelled by the dental army, such as Shi Xiancheng, He Gao, Han Hele and so on. They all supported them, and their preferential treatment and rewards were slightly unsatisfactory, so the whole family was punished. Luo used to suffer from the tooth army. Although he bought the goods and tolerated them, he was dissatisfied with them.
In the first month of the second year of Luo's accession to the throne, Liu Rengong of Youzhou took up 100,000 troops, disturbed Heshuo, captured it and marched into Weizhou. Luo turned to Mao for help, and Li Sian, a Maoist, helped him. He was stationed in Lianshui. Ge Cong Xing Zhou entered Wei Zhou, and Liu Shouwen and Shan Ke, generals of Yan Army, fought against Mao's army in Neihuang. The Yan army was defeated and Mao's army pursued them.
In Ge, he also led the army to attack and defeated the Yan army. More than 30,000 beheadings.
In three years, Luo sent messengers to join forces with Mao to jointly attack Cangzhou to repay Mao. From then on, Luo was grateful for Mao's help and deeply admired and attached to him.
Luo witnessed the decline of the national fortune in the Tang Dynasty, and his army was stronger than other places in the world. Knowing that he must have the intention of being a Zen master, he attached himself wholeheartedly to him to make friends and achieve his career, and he was often worried about the accident of the dental army, which made him uneasy. One day, in the early years, the ruined ground sank for no reason. Soon, a small school in Li changed. Luo was even more afraid, so he decided to get rid of the tooth army and sent messengers to tell Mao to let him do foreign aid.
Mao promised him to send Li Sian to attack Cangzhou again with the army of Weibo Town. Before that, Princess Anyang died in Weizhou. Mao took the opportunity to send Ma Sixun of Changzhi Military Academy to select 1,000 soldiers, hid weapons in huge pockets and carried them into yu zhou with shoulder straps, saying that he sponsored the funeral of Princess Anyang.
One day, on the fifth day of the first month of the third year (906), Mao personally led his troops to cross the river, claiming to inspect the camps in Cangzhou and Jingzhou. The tooth army was very suspicious of his actions. On 16th of this month, Luo led hundreds of slaves to attack the tooth army with Ma Sixun. At that time, more than 1000 dental troops living in Yacheng were all killed by dawn, and all 8000 families were destroyed, but it was empty.
The next day, Mao ran from the inner yellow. At that time, Wei Jun, with 20,000 troops, was surrounding Cangzhou with the imperial army. Wei Jun heard about the things in Weizhou City and held the general stone to Gaotang. In six states, they are enemies. The Maoists divided their forces to conquer, and it took half a year to pacify.
From then on, although Luo got rid of the tooth army that persecuted him, he immediately regretted weakening his own strength. In less than a few months, the battle of Fuyang happened again, and the traffic in Luo Fei provided supplies for transporting military supplies. It's 500 miles from Yedu to Luchang, and cars and tracks overlap.
Marshal House was established in Weizhou, and pavilions were set up along the road to supply sacrificial prisons, wine supplies, military accounts and weapons. There are hundreds of thousands of people in Mao's army, and there is no shortage of military supplies. When Mao came back from Luchang and passed through Weizhou again, Luo took the opportunity to say to Mao, "... Zhou, Qixia and Taiyuan finally had arrogant and secretive intentions, each under the banner of reviving the royal family in the Tang Dynasty." The king's attempt to seize state power by himself to cut off others is a godsend, not what people want, which was criticized by the ancients. "
Mao thanked him deeply. When Taizu ascended the throne, Gallo was a teacher and a secretariat official, and was awarded the title of "Contributing to the Opening of Heaven".
When Yu Jia entered Luo, he was ordered to rebuild the Five Peaks Pagoda and Temple. Huge timber and exquisite craftsmen were not owned at that time, but the building suddenly.
3. Classical Chinese: Xie Yang kept the original text and translated it into the original answer:
Jin Shi solved Yang Ruge, so that there was no Chu. He said: "Jin Shi has learned of his coming." Zheng people were imprisoned and sacrificed to the state of Chu. Zi Chu's huge bribe made him break his promise. Don't. Three, promise me. Get on the train to tell the Song people. Then he was sentenced to death.
The State of Jin sent Xie Yang to the State of Song, telling the State of Song not to surrender to the State of Chu, and said, "All the troops of the State of Jin have set out and will soon arrive in the State of Song." When Xie Yang passed by Zheng, the people of Zheng arrested Xie Yang and handed him over to the State of Chu. Chu Zhuangwang bribed him heavily to be sarcastic in front of the Song people. Xie Yang refused. The king of Chu repeatedly persuaded him to agree. The king of Chu let Xie Yang get on the bus, and told him to speak to the Song people, saying that the State of Jin could not save the Song country. Xie Yang took the opportunity to convey 8 jin j's orders, to Song Jun stand your ground and wait for rescue.
4. Dong Yunchuan Dong Yunming Xiuzhao is the son of Dong He, commander of armies. The late Lord (Liu Bei) established the Prince, and Dong Yun was chosen as the Prince's Sheren, and was appointed as the Prince to wash the horse. After Liu Chan succeeded to the throne, Dong Yun was promoted to assistant minister of Huangmen.
Zhuge Liang, the prime minister, is going to go north to Wei and be stationed in Hanzhong. Considering the young age of the late master, it is difficult to distinguish right from wrong. Because Dong Yun has an upright mind and bright eyes, he wants to put the affairs of the Imperial Palace in his charge. Zhuge Liang said to the late emperor, "The courtiers Guo Youzhi, Fei Yi and Dong Yun were selected and promoted by the late emperor and left to your majesty. As for weighing trade-offs, planning interests, and offering advice and suggestions to your majesty without reservation, that is their responsibility. I think, discussing all the big and small issues in the palace with them will definitely make up for mistakes and omissions and get more benefits. If you don't listen to advice and encourage your majesty to carry forward his virtues, you must punish Dong Yun and others to show negligence. " Soon, Zhuge Liang asked Fei Yi to join the army and promoted Dong Yun as an assistant. He was also a samurai corps commander, who was in charge of Su Wei Qin Bing in the palace. Guo Youzhi's temperament has always been peaceful and docile, just an official who makes up the numbers. The task of making suggestions and adopting opinions is undertaken by Dong Yun alone.
When dealing with political affairs, Dong Yun paid attention to formulating preventive measures and tried his best to rectify the situation and help the rescue. The late emperor Liu Chan often wanted to choose beautiful women to enrich the harem. Dong Yun believed that there were no more than twelve concubines of ancient emperors. Now the beauty of the late emperor is completely ready and should not be added, so he has always insisted on refusing to choose a beauty. Liu Chan became more and more afraid of him. Shang Shu ordered Jiang Wan to serve as the secretariat of Yizhou, and Fei Yi and Dong Yun were recommended by Shang Shu. The above table also says: "Dong Yun served in the palace for many years, assisting the royal family. He should be given a title and a fief in recognition of his hard work and meritorious service. " Dong Yun resolutely refuses to accept it. He doted on eunuch Huang Hao since childhood. Huang Hao is good at flattery and cunning, trying to please his late master and enter the body. Dong Yun often corrected his master seriously, but he reprimanded Huang Hao many times. Huang Hao was afraid of Dong Yun and dared not run amok. Until Dong Yun's death, Huang Hao's position did not exceed Huang's.
Dong Yun once invited ministers Fei Yi, Zhong Dianji and others to travel and hold a banquet. The horses and chariots are ready to go. Dr. Dong Hui from Xiangyang came to see Dong Yun, and paid his respects. Dong Hui is young and humble. Seeing that Dong Yun no longer went out to receive him, he hesitated and asked to leave. Dong Yun refused, saying, "Originally, I wanted to travel because I wanted to play and talk with like-minded people. Now that you have condescended (to my house), it's time to talk about your long-lost feelings. It was not my intention to give up this conversation and go to that banquet. " So people dismounted one after another, and Fei Yi and others stopped their horses and chariots and stopped going out to play. Dong Yunke keeps the right path, Corporal Lixian, and most of his behaviors are like this.
In the sixth year of Yan Xi (AD 243), Dong Yun was the assistant general. In the seventh year of Yan Xi (244), he temporarily assumed the post of minister as an assistant minister and became the deputy of General Fei Yi. Yan Xi nine years, Dong Yun died.
5. Wang Kekuan translated the classical Chinese of the Ming Dynasty. Wang Kekuan passed on the original text. Wang Kekuan was born in Qimen.
Zu Hua was trained by Shuangfeng Rao Lu and was encouraged to inherit the biography of Huang. When Ke Kuan was ten years old, his father gave him a double-peak question and answer book.
It is to take the "four books", read custom sentences, recite them day and night, and dedicate them to different children. After his stepfather floated the beam, he asked Wuzhong to be pedantic and determined.
Thai was selected, and was selected after passing the provincial examination. I will try my best to answer questions directly, abandon the imperial examination industry generously and study classics hard.
"Spring and Autumn Annals" is mainly based on Hu Anguo, and Bokao said that it would be extracted into a book, called "Spring and Autumn Annals Compilation". Yi includes Yi Kao.
"Poetry" includes "the collection of sound, meaning and transmission". "Rites" include "rites, classics and relaxation".
"Outline" includes "case study". Bachelor's degrees from all directions, and many people hold classics.
Just in the middle of the scene, Qi and Qi arrived and burned and robbed all the belongings in the room. I am full of happiness.
Hong, a fellow in Yuan history, was hired to the capital. The book will be awarded to the official, and the old illness will be fixed.
Give the silver coin to the post office. Five years in winter, nine out of sixty.
Wang Kekuan, whose real name is Deyi, is from Qimen County. Grandfather, Rao Lu, who studied under Shuangfeng, got the true biography of Mr. Huang Mianzhai, the master of Neo-Confucianism.
When Wang Kekuan was ten years old, his father taught him the book Twin Peaks Question and Answer, and he always understood it. So I took out four books, and I decided to finish reading the sentences, reading day and night, and working hard, which is different from ordinary children.
Later, he went to Fuliang with his father and studied under Wu Zhongyu, and his ambition became more and more profound. During the Taiding period at the end of Yuan Dynasty, he was recommended to take the provincial examination and take the entrance examination.
When he took the exam, he was excused from answering (the emperor's) questions, so he gave up his career in imperial examinations passionately and devoted himself to the study of Confucian classics. "Spring and Autumn Annals" is mainly based on Hu Anguo's biography, which extensively examines multi-school theories and is compiled into a book by Huitong. It is called "Appendix of Spring and Autumn Annals".
The Book of Changes has textual research on Zhu Cheng's Yi Zhuan. The Book of Songs consists of "gathering sound, gathering meaning and gathering biography".
The Book of Rites consists of The Book of Rites, which is used to supplement The Book of Changes. The "Outline" is written as "textual research on different cases".
Many scholars all over the country studied under him. In the years, the mutinous soldiers from Qi and Huang counties came, and all the bedroom property was burned and robbed.
His diet has been broken many times, but he is very happy. In the early years of Hongwu in Ming Dynasty, he was hired to work in Beijing to compile the history of Yuan Dynasty.
When the book is finished, the court will give it to an official (to him) and resolutely refuse it on the grounds of old age and illness. (The imperial court) gave him money and other gifts, and gave the post station chariots and horses to return to China.
Wu Hong died in the winter of five years at the age of 69. Note 1. Learn from the teacher.
"Mencius Gaozi Shang": "Jiao (Cao Jiao) can be seen, you can fake the museum, and you are willing to stay in the door." Historical Records Confucius Family: "Confucius was not an official, but retired from poetry, books, rituals and music. He has many disciples, and he has come from afar, and his career has not been affected. "
Song Sushi's "On the Secret Pavilion, Courtesy, Righteousness and Faithfulness Enough to Become Virtue": "The husband is a saint, but he is still confused, so he said it." Qing Xue Fucheng's Notes on Wan Yong Xu Shucheng Zhen: "When I was six or seven years old, I learned it."
2. Rao Lu (1 193- 1264): Yugan, Raozhou. Famous Neo-Confucianism in Southern Song Dynasty.
The word "Apollo" means "Central Plains" and "Twin Peaks". The master privately said Wen Yuan. Rao Lu studied under Chai, Chai Zhonghang, Li.
Study in Zhang Yu Academy and Donghu Academy, return to the library, make friends to the museum, gather scholars and learn from each other. Rebuild Shidong Academy and call disciples to give lectures.
His study is based on self-discipline, learning first and then thinking, and sticking to the end. Scholars from far and near.
He was employed by envoys from various ministries and successively took charge of Bailudong, Lianxi, Jian 'an, Donghu, Xijian and Linru Academy. In the first year of Ding Jing (1260), he was recommended as a professor of Chinese studies in Raozhou.
He is the author of Lectures on the Five Classics, Yu Wen and Xi Ming Tu. 3. Mianzhai Yellow: Huang Gan (1152-1221), whose real name is Zhiqing, is the fourth son of Huang Xun.
Famous Neo-Confucianism in Southern Song Dynasty. Originally from Changle County, he moved to Min County (now Fuzhou).
In the second year of Song Dynasty (1 175), his brother worked in Jizhou, and he followed suit and got to know Liu Qingzhi (Zicheng). This book was recommended by Zhu.
When it was snowing heavily, I went to Chong 'an to play. Unexpectedly, Zhu had gone out and was guarding the guest house. He said, "Take off your clothes in February." . The following spring, Zhu came back.
Since I met Zhu, he hasn't taken the couch at night, and all his clothes are stripped off. When you are tired, just sit down slightly, lean on it, or stretch out your hand. Zhu said: "Honesty and firmness, and hard thinking are very beneficial."
In the ninth year of Xichun, Zhu married a Chinese woman. In the fifth year of Shao Xi's reign (1 194), he was named Di Gong Lang and was in charge of wine affairs in Taizhou.
After the bamboo forest was completed, Zhu wrote a letter asking him to "speak for him" and compile the Book of Rites. In the second year of Qingyuan (1 196), "pseudo-learning" was banned, and Zhu Shangdian resigned and still gave lectures.
Huang Gan built Tanxi Jingshe in Tanxi, Jianyang, where he preached and wrote books, and where Zhu traveled to Yungu and Kaoting to rest. The following year, Ding Mu was worried. Huang Gan mourned Long Ji Ling in the northern suburb of Fuzhou and built a tomb to give lectures, which attracted many followers.
In the sixth year of Qingyuan (1200) in March, Zhu was seriously ill and ordered to collect the manuscripts of the Book of Rites and supplement them. He wrote a farewell letter and said, "My way is here, no regrets." Zhu died of illness and mourned for three years
Jiaxing Shimen Wine Store was transferred to prison, and it was exposed that collectors colluded with profiteers to "brew private wine", instead of selling official wine, they sold private wine themselves. In the first year of Jiading (1208), Huang Gan advocated "strengthening the country and rejuvenating the foreign countries".
He has served as a judge of Linchuan Order in Jiangxi, Xing 'an Order in Anhui and Feng 'an Army. In the eighth year of Jiading (12 15), it was learned that the Hanyang Army in Hubei Province had raised more than 70,000 barren stones, which were divided into Grade A, Grade B, Grade C and Grade D, and thousands of people were alive.
After ten years in Jiading (12 17), I learned about Anqing House, personally supervised and repaired the county seat, and prepared for defense to ensure that the territory of Anqing was not occupied by nomadic people. The local gentry praised: "You don't fall behind, you don't soak in water, you are yellow." The following year, he gave lectures at Bailudong Academy in Jiangxi.
In the 12th year of Jiading (12 19), I returned to Fuzhou in October. The following year, he became an official, specializing in giving lectures, and his disciples became increasingly prosperous, editing and writing books, and he worked tirelessly. After his death, Yu Shao was scheduled to write to Chao in the sixth year (1233), the third year (1236) and the nineteenth year (1359) to commemorate him, and in the second year of Qing Yongzheng (65438).
His works include Zhu, Mianzhai Collection, Biography of Shu, Filial Piety, Four Books and Yi Li. 4. specialization.
6. Wei Yongzhi's classical Chinese translator is poor, but diligent and tireless. There are no rabbits born. The good-looking one said, "You should be rich." In the eighteenth year, I heard that there was a famous doctor under the account of Yin Zhongkan, the secretariat of Jingzhou, who was too poor to wear clothes. He said to his family, "What's the use of living?" So I counted the welcome rice in the west and threw it in the middle. You can build your own door when you get there. Comparable to language, it is gratifying to call a doctor to see it. The doctor said, "You can cut the patch, but you have to eat porridge for a hundred days, and you can't laugh." Yong Zhi said: "Half-life is silent, but half-life, you have to cure it, and it is evil for a hundred days!" Zhongkan is then in another house, so that the doctor can treat it well. He kept silent and only ate gruel, which was his ambition. And poor, Zhong Kan Hou sent it.
For the first time, I was the state principal book and met Huan Xuan. When he came out, Xu Anbi was in poor spirits and called himself a guest, saying, "The room is too dry to make weapons." Unexpectedly, it was sent without coordination. Yong Zao, travel money, declare usurpation, assist praise. Xuan was defeated, awarded the general Jian Wei, and the secretariat of Yuzhou. Huan's words stood out, and he bravely led the crowd to blow it away. At the beginning, he recruited General Lu and Wu Neishi, sought the secretariat of Jingzhou, exercised restraint, served as the commander-in-chief of six states, and led a captain of Nan Man. At the beginning of Buddhism, I was dressed in cloth and was not ashamed of being poor; And in important positions, not proud of wealth. He started as a guest of Yin Zhongkan, but he didn't practice his position for a long time, which is what critics say. Seek death by an official. Zhao Yue said: "I am magnificent, sincere in knowing the situation, and sincere in winning the same prize. I am really a famous minister in the palace; The effect of applying the results is to benefit people. I'm worried about the losses caused by the election. You can give Taichang a regular rider. " After recording his praise, he chased Jiangling County Duke and Food City for 2,500 yuan, which was called "Huan". Wei Shun's younger brother Shunzhi to Langxie's civil history.
My family has been poor for generations, and what I do by farming is endless. There are no rabbits born. A person who is good at reading faces said to him, "You should have money." /kloc-when I was 0/8 years old, I heard that Yin Zhong, the secretariat of Jingzhou, had a famous doctor who could cure me. He is poor and has no clothes to wear. He said to his family, "What do you do at work?" So I took a few meters and used it. Here we are. Open the door. Yin Zhongkan talked about Kan Kan, thanked him for his kindness and invited the doctor to see him. The doctor said: "If you can make up for it, you only need to eat 100 days of porridge. You can't joke." I have been silent for half my life, but I have been treated for half my life, not to mention a hundred days! ""Yin Zhongkan in another room in this place, let the doctor for treatment. The singer kept silent and only ate gruel. He honed his will. Poor, Yin Zhong is generous.
At first, it was the state master book, and I once met Huan Xuan. When he announced himself, he despised his spirit and said to the guest, "Can't God and his family force things?" I cann't believe it's uncoordinated. I'm out Xu befriended Emperor Wu of Song early and waited until Huan Xuan usurped the throne to help Yi Ji. Huan Xuan failed and was named General Jianwei and the secretariat of Yuzhou. Huan Xin attacked Liyang and Yong's army repelled them. In the early years, he was promoted to General Lu and Wu Neishi, and soon he was transferred to Jingzhou Secretariat, where he held a festival, served as the commander-in-chief of six States, and led a captain of Nan Man. At the beginning of chanting, he was a civilian and was not ashamed of poverty; When you are in a prominent position, you will not be arrogant to others because of wealth. I was a guest of Yin Zhongkan at first, but I soon stepped on his position, just as the commentator said. He died in the office soon. The next imperial edict said: "Wei Yongzhi is broad-minded, knows the situation secretly, and is loyal to the same prize. It is really a Ming Wang Mi; Apply political achievements to benefit the people. Suddenly there was mourning and sympathy. It can be awarded posthumously to Taichang or to regular riders. " He later recorded the merits of his praise, and named him Duke of Jiangling County, 2,500 households in Grain City, Huan, posthumous title. My brother went to an evil place in the history of Qu Wei.