Confucius collected about 3000 disciples in his life, and one of them was good at words. He is also from Shandong. Among many Confucius disciples, only he dared to question Confucius' theory and even argue with Confucius. However, Zaiyu's theory is not completely unreasonable, and it still belongs to a relatively well-founded theory. This man, if put in modern times, will certainly get the appreciation of his master and think that he is a clever disciple. But in ancient times, people would only think that this person was a bit cunning and treacherous. But in fact, Confucius liked Zaiyu very much at first, because he was really smart and a curious student.
However, slowly, Confucius no longer liked this disciple, because Zaiyu often asked Confucius many incredible questions. It is said that once, Zaiyu was absent from school without asking for leave, and then Confucius went to his residence to find him, only to find that he slept very late. Therefore, Confucius, who always pays attention to etiquette, finally couldn't hold back and shouted loudly:? You can't carve rotten wood, and you can't carve the wall of dirt? !
As a result, this passage has spread slowly to this day, but it is the first sentence we usually hear the most. We often hear teachers scold some students who are not motivated, and some people who often make fun of others will use this sentence. This sentence is often used by teachers now, but probably no one thought it was actually said by Confucius. If you read the Analects carefully, you will find these two sentences in it.