Beautiful French love sentences
1. Sweet dreams are like a good poem, which can be encountered but not sought. They often come inadvertently. I am waiting for someone who can put an end to my loneliness. Someone who can listen to all the sad love songs with me without making me want to cry. It's a great place to be, it's a great place to be, it's a great place to be.
3.L'amour c'est comme le cristal (crystal), si difficile à trouver, mais si facile à casser. Love is like crystal, so hard to find, yet fragile.
4. Will you think of a person because of a song, will you fall in love with a city because of a person, and will you miss a life because of a city. What's the difference between a man and a woman? What's the difference between a man and a woman? ville?
5. In this world, a man’s most precious possession is the heart of the woman he loves. Pour un homme, la plus précieuse possesion du monde est le coeur de la femme qu'il aime.
1.Je suis désolé, mais tout à coup tu me manques. I'm sorry, I miss you suddenly
1. p>
2.Le petit ami parfait ne boit pas, ne fume pas, ne ment pas, et n'existe pas. The perfect boyfriend does not drink, does not smoke, does not lie, and does not exist.
3. "Love is the most beautiful only at the beginning, so we often find happiness in the "beginnings" again and again.
" ' En amour, il n'y a que les commencements qui soient charmants; c'est pourquoi on trouve du plaisir à recommencer souvent. '
4. fall in love at first sight coup de foudre fall in love tomber amoureux hugs 'embrasser kiss échanger un baiser passion la passion * émotion cohabitation concubinage proposal demander qn en mariage marriage mariage honeymoon lune de miel wedding dress une robe de mariée lover l'amant mistress la ma?tresse
5.Je t' I love you not only because you are you, but also because I find myself every time we are together.
1.Aujourd'hui, juste un petit mot pour te dire combien je t'aime, joyeuse La Fête Qixi! Today, I just want to tell you how much I love you, happy Chinese Valentine's Day!
2.Pour bien aimer une vivante il faut l'aimer comme si elle devait mourrire demain. To love a living woman well, you should love her like this: thinking that she will die tomorrow. 3." If love didn't exist, I would invent it for us.
4." , fais le sous la pluie,pour que tu ne me vois pas pleurer. "If one day you have to leave me, please do it in the rain so that you don't see me crying.
5."les oiseauxaux Ont des ailes pour voler et moi j'ai mon coeur pr t'aimer!" Birds have wings to fly, and I have this heart to love you! tu aimes deux If you fall in love with two people, choose the second one. Because if you really love the first one, you won't love anyone else.
2.Tu es toujours la quand j'ai besoin de toi… Tu sais me faire rire et tu sais me faire pleurer… de joie When I need you, you are always there and you know how to let me know. I laugh, how it makes me cry with joy.
3. As prix mon coeur, avec ton sourire, ta tendresse… Grace à toi, ma vie s'émerveille. You captured my heart with your smile and your gentleness. Because of you, my life has awakened.
4.Joyeuse St-Valentin. Happy Valentine's Day! Mon coeur ne bat que pour toi. My heart beats only for you. Happy Valentine's Day to all my friends and all my lovers! Je t'aime vraiment. I really love you. Je t'aime bien fort. I love you deeply. Tu es tout pour moi. You are my everything.
5. Quand je suis triste, je pense à toi, comme en hiver on pense au soleil; et quand je suis gai, je pense à toi, comme en été on pense à l'ombre. When I am sad, I miss you just like I long for the warm sun in winter; when I am happy, I miss you just like I long for the shade in summer.
1.Le 7 juillet du calendrier lunaire The seventh day of the seventh lunar month
la Fête Qixi Chinese Valentine's Day
la Saint-Valentin chinoise Chinese Valentine's Day
< p>2.Le center de toute bontée et de toute joie est l'amour. All goodness, all joy, are all due to the joy of love.3. Love has an instinct, it knows how to find its way to the heart. Like the weakest insect, there is an unparalleled power that pulls it to crawl on its favorite flower.
4. The most beautiful harmony is the whisper between lovers.
5. Love is both a feeling and an art.
1. A good husband never remembers his wife’s age, but he always remembers her birthday. I feel that the friendship between us is fate. Je vois dans notre amitié la force du destin.
3.Merci d'entrer dans ma vie, dans notre vie… Je suis heureuse ce soir, et ce bonheur, je veux le partager avec toi Je t' aime... Thank you for coming into my life. I am very happy tonight for coming into our lives. I would like to share this happiness with you. I love you.
4. Our union is fate. The fate between them is over. C'en est fini de leur amitié [referring to friendship]/union [referring to combination]/amour [referring to love].
1. If you feel lonely tonight, open the window and look at the night sky. What you see Every star I see is a kiss I send to you, to wish you a sweet night. It's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, it's so beautiful, it's the same thing.
2.Peu No matter where I am, no matter where you are, my thoughts are always projected on you.
3. fate affinité; prédestination; sort; destin; pour l'autre
4.Dieu est derrière tout, mais tout cache Dieu. Les choses sont noires, les créatures sont opaques. But everything hides God. Things are black and people are opaque. To love someone is to make him transparent.
5. When it comes to love, time is of the essence. It doesn't matter if you get to know each other too early or too late.
—《2046》Le temps est critique pour l'amour. ai envie de vivre avec toi
I long to live with you
J'ai envie de rester avec toi
I long to live with you smoochy< /p>
Toute la vie, de rester avec toi
I will be with you forever
Toute la vie, toute la vie, toute la vie
A lifetime, a lifetime, a lifetime
J'ai envie de chanter quand tu chantes
I long to sing when you sing
J'ai envie de pleurer quand tu pleures
I long to cry when you cry
J'ai envie de rire quand tu ris
I long to laugh when you laugh< /p>
Quand tu ris, quand tu ris
When you laugh, when you laugh
Mais en lisant ta lettre
But when I read your letter
I know that there is no hope anymore
I know that there is no hope viendras pas
I know you won't come
Au rendez-vous ce soir
Go to tonight's appointment
J'avais tout préparé
And I have carefully prepared
J'avais tout décidé
And I have made up my mind
Mais tu ne viendras pas
But you won't come
Au rendez-vous ce soir
Go to tonight's date
J'ai envie de parler avec toi
I long to talk to you
J'ai envie de dire n'importe quoi
I long to say anything
J'ai envie pourvu que tu sois là
I long to have you here
J'ai envie de vivre avec toi
I long to live with you
J'ai envie que tu sois près de moi
I long for you to be by my side
J'ai envie que tu sois près de moi
I long to have you by my side
Mais en lisant ta lettre
But reading your letter
Je vois qu'il n'y a plus d'espoir
I no longer see hope
I know you will not come
Au rendez-vous ce soir
Go to tonight's appointment
J'avais tout décidé
I have already made up my mind
J'avais tout préparé
I have carefully prepared
Mais tu ne viendras pas
But you will not come
< p>Au rendez-vous ce soirGo to the appointment tonight
J'ai envie de parler avec toi
I want to talk to you
De dire n'importe quoi
Just say something
De vivre avec toi
Tell me about living with you
< p>J'ai envie de chanter quand tu chantesI long to sing when you sing
J'ai envie de pleurer quand tu pleures
I long to sing Cry when you cry
J'ai envie de rire avec toi
I long to laugh with you when you laugh
J'ai envie de quand tu ris