1, eulogize the spirit of mourning grandma with tears and express Sun Xiaoyi's sacrifice remarks. Kindness does not repay sorrow, and a virtue does not forget tears. The daughter loves her grandson infinitely, with sorrow and joy. Dragon hates that he can't drive a crane home, and his good reputation will last forever. Recalling the deep feelings of caring and asking questions, the motto is still there.
Although she is a miserable person, all her children are very filial! If God can open his eyes, let her return to the world! I feel that the world is changing rapidly, all the rubble is gone, there are many high-rise buildings in the hutong, and grandma's heroic spirit is in the world!
I know grandma has been looking forward to my coming back, and I have been looking forward to being by her side. When grandma was in the most painful time, under the torture of illness, your grandson could not be by your side, and the unfilial grandson bowed to you.
4. Looking at the burnt incense paper and thinking of my kind and dead grandmother, I think maybe what we can do now is to be filial and raise our elders. Zhu Dexiao comes first. In five simple words, we need to treat adults with this life.
On the Mid-Autumn Festival, grandma died, and I didn't have time to see her for the last time. Life is like this. You want a beautiful farewell, but you are always caught off guard. Leave a lifetime of loss and sadness. There is no strong man in front of the years. Grandma, please go.
6, holding hands and crying, actually speechless. Thinking about thinking, thousands of miles of smoke, dusk, chutiankuo. The beginning of life is just a written end. Grandma, have a nice trip. May there be no pain in heaven
7. Grandma left and took away my only childhood. There is no grandma in the world.
8. Grandma, I miss you. I wish you all the best in heaven.
9. Parents still have a place in life. Only when parents go to life can they get home. May grandma go all the way. The past has become a memory.
10, I don't want to see it in a hurry, and I feel my life and destiny. My neighbor is in a fog, and I wish my grandmother a pleasant journey and another scene in heaven.