He regards this sapphire as a symbol of protection. Wherever he goes, he can always bring him good horses and timely service. Just look at sapphire and everything he wants will come. Orientals believe that he will have good luck.
If the starlight refracts to the ocean, it reveals the cold edge. Sea blue eyes lock you tightly and pull your heart to beat together.
Sapphire, with its crystal-clear and beautiful color, was covered with mysterious and supernatural colors by ancient people and regarded as an auspicious thing. Various legends about sapphire are circulating all over the world.
Sapphire, like ruby, has a hardness of 9, second only to diamond, so it is extremely hard. Together with diamonds and pearls, it once became an indispensable ornament on the crown and dress of the king of the British Empire and the czar of Russia.
6. Sapphire symbolizes loyalty, faithfulness, kindness and honesty. Starlight sapphire, also known as "stone of destiny", can keep the wearer safe and bring good luck.
7. Sapphire is a high-grade gemstone, one of the five major gemstones, ranking third after diamonds and rubies.
8. Sapphire is the birthstone in September and autumn, and it is also called "sister gem" with ruby.
According to legend, sapphire is the sacred stone of Apollo, the sun god, and is called "the sacred stone of heaven" because of its transparent dark blue.
10. Gemstone-grade corundum in nature is called sapphire except red, and other colors such as blue, light blue, green, yellow, gray and colorless.
1 1. Indian Kashmir sapphire, the color is cornflower blue, which is purplish indigo blue. The color is bright and bright, so it has always been considered as the best of sapphires.
12. The color of sapphire is the main criterion to measure the value of sapphire. The bluer and purer the color, the higher the value of the gem, but it can't be black in the blue. In that case, it is obviously too much.
13. Compared with rubies, sapphires are not only abundant, but also large in size, such as the 536-carat "Star of India" displayed in new york Museum and the 330-carat "Star of Asia" displayed in Washington Museum of Natural History.
14. This sapphire, known as the "Star of Hope", is produced in Sri Lanka. It is a starlight sapphire weighing 160 carats, with an oval face and the size of an egg. The color is bright and full, the blue is slightly purple, and the six stars stretch bright and perfect.
15. Oriental legends regard sapphire as a street lamp, which can protect the wearer from evil and bring good luck, even after the gem is sold.
16. Sapphire is called "stone of destiny", which is used to protect the wearer's safety, protect the wearer from getting lost and bring good luck, even after the gem is released.
17. Sapphire is not only a symbol of holiness and chastity, but also has an elegant and noble position in western society because it echoes the tradition of the royal family calling itself "noble blood".
18. Sapphire belongs to corundum family, and its English name is sapphire, which comes from Latin and means blue.
19. The origin of sapphire includes Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Thailand, India and Madagascar. At present, the most expensive sapphire on the market is from Myanmar.
20. If the sapphire is not cut correctly or the bottom is covered too much, it is easy to fade. In order to present bright luster, the cutting and setting methods of sapphire have not developed much.
2 1. The formation process of natural sapphire often undergoes drastic changes in strata, so it contains more inclusions, which can be used to distinguish whether the gem is artificial or not.
22. If it is a jewelry work with carving design, in contrast, the color of sapphire is usually deep and thick, and the Danquan stone will look brighter.
23. Sapphire (another kind of corundum) is a traditional birthstone in September.
The word sapphire comes from Latin Sapphire, Greek Spphirus, Hebrew Sappir and Sanskrit Sanipriga, which literally means "cherish Saturn".
25. Like rubies, sapphires have many legendary compliments. It is said that it can protect kings and monarchs from harm and jealousy, and it is the most suitable jewel for priests' rings and crowns.
26. Persians believe that the earth is supported by a huge sapphire, and the reflection of sapphire reflects the sky into blue. Besides, sapphire has always been regarded as a symbol of loyalty and constancy.
Sapphire, like ruby, is said to have medical functions. An ancient writer wrote: Carving a ram or a bearded old man on a sapphire can protect people from disease, imprisonment and evil.
28. According to legend, sapphire can remove dirt or foreign objects from eyes. Among the gems collected by Charles V, there is an oval oriental sapphire for treating eye diseases.
29. Starlight sapphire, known as "stone of destiny", has many superstitious legends, forming three cat-eye-shaped starlight bands, representing loyalty, hope and fraternity.
30. It is said that in the dark, starlight sapphire contains supreme wisdom, courage and strength. Anyone who sees the beautiful star line and touches the starlight sapphire will reap unprecedented good luck.
Hope to adopt, thank you.
2. sentences praising sapphire sentences praising sapphire
1. sapphire blue gives people a sense of tranquility and peace, and has mysterious power.
He regards this sapphire as a symbol of protection. Wherever he goes, he can always bring him good horses and timely service. Just look at sapphire and everything he wants will come. Orientals believe that he will have good luck.
If the starlight refracts to the ocean, it reveals the cold edge. Sea blue eyes lock you tightly and pull your heart to beat together.
Sapphire, with its crystal-clear and beautiful color, was covered with mysterious and supernatural colors by ancient people and regarded as an auspicious thing. Various legends about sapphire are circulating all over the world.
3. Is there a poem about blue that is a bit imposing? Oh, the blue kingdom! Blue, bright, youthful and happy kingdom! I saw you in my dream. ...
Several of us took a boat with gorgeous leaves. A white sail fluttered like a goose's chest under the head of the mast fluttering in the wind.
I don't know who my companion is; But I can feel it all over. They are all as young, happy and happy as me!
Yes, I didn't see them. I look around, the endless blue sea, countless waves shining with golden scales; Overhead, it is also so boundless, so blue sea-where the gentle sun runs and smiles.
We give hearty and happy laughter from time to time, just like the laughter of God!
Suddenly, from someone's mouth, I don't know some words, some inspiring and wonderful poems ... it seems that the sky is responding to them-the surrounding sea is vibrating with the same feeling ... then, it begins a happy silence.
Our clippers, with gentle waves, gently ups and downs. There is no wind to push it, but our joyful hearts guide it forward. Wherever we want to go, it runs to it like a living thing.
We came to the archipelago, a group of translucent fairy islands, with all kinds of gems, crystals and jasper shining. From the protruding shore, there is an intoxicating fragrance; On some islands, the white roses and lilies in the valley have fallen, and the rain has fallen on us. From other islands, many rainbow-colored long-winged birds suddenly flew up.
Birds circled over our heads, and lilies of the valley and roses disappeared into the pearl-like waves flowing on both sides of our boat.
With the flowers and birds singing, there came a beautiful and pleasant voice ... there seems to be a woman's voice here ... so everything around-the sky, the ocean, the high sails and the murmur of the stern water-seems to be telling a happy love!
But she, the person we all love, is there … talking, but I can't see her. After a while-look, her eyes are shining, her face will smile ... her hand will hold your hand and take you to eternal heaven!
Oh, the blue kingdom! I saw you in my dream. ...
4. Describe the sentence of light blue. Blue symbolizes tranquility and profundity.
Blue symbolizes melancholy and mystery.
Blue symbolizes tolerance and wisdom.
Blue symbolizes distance and dream.
Sky blue: the lightest blue, with almost no trace of red, looks very cold in the sky. It represents the original color, and it is the representative of the biological childhood (the mature color is green). Psychologically speaking, sky blue, like pink, is a "soothing color" and a quiet and relaxed color.
Lake blue: dark blue, but with bright light, beautiful like a lake immersed in endless silence. The representative means to wait. In the hint of color, it is the color of forbidden words. Usually in places full of this color, people talk less.
Sapphire blue: Legend has it that the prototype of the goddess of hope is a blue diamond. Therefore, the jewel-like beautiful blue has become synonymous with hope. Psychologically speaking, sapphire blue, like purple, will give people a noble feeling and attract people's attention.
Kong Quelan: It is the most mysterious blue. Almost no one can be sure where its correct color value is. This is a vague color. Different people will have different interpretations of it, which means hiding. In the field of printing, this color will have a great error with imagination. In the spiritual field, this color is unattainable in the sacred world, and it is a special color besides gold and silver.
Blue: True blue, like its English name, is synonymous with melancholy. Cyan and red, which divide the blue series equally, perfectly unify the values here, showing a purplish deep blue in the night sky. Psychologically, dark blue will give some people who are easy to accept hints a sense of oppression, but some optimistic people will feel relaxed.
Violet: This is the color of blueberries. People who like berries will associate this color with the sweet and sour taste of small blueberries in the shade of the forest. This color has the same meaning as blueberry: mysterious. In the field of beauty, this color will give people a feeling of quiet temptation, but in general, it will give people a sense of pride because the color is too inflated.
Let's talk about this first. Generally speaking, there are thousands of blue colors, and dozens of them are named. The following are more common.
5. What are some beautiful sentences about tourmaline?
1. tourmaline is a borosilicate gem with extremely complex chemical composition. Its crystals are often columnar, with longitudinal stripes on the cylinder and a spherical triangle in cross section.
2. Tourmaline has the best color, which is the most distinguished pair of peach-red tourmalines with a strong pink color.
3. Apatite, usually a blue or green transparent gem, produces the same blue electron when heated, which exists in Paraiba tourmaline.
In order to minimize all kinds of surprises after crossing, here are some correct "trendy" ornaments to encourage you! Tourmaline coral has a delicate touch.
Tourmaline is the most beautiful and colorful gem and has the reputation of "Rainbow Fairy". Jewelry and pendants with tourmaline as the main stone have become another new favorite of female consumers.
6. Tourmaline is the most beautiful and colorful gem and has the reputation of "Rainbow Fairy". Jewelry and pendants with tourmaline as the main stone have become another new favorite of female consumers.
7. Tourmaline and jadeite were very popular among the nobles in Qing Dynasty. Tourmaline is the noblest one, and it looks pink and rich.
8. If amethyst is the guardian stone of love, tourmaline gathers wealth to ward off evil spirits.
9. The red god of wealth sent you a few red corals, the white god of wealth sent you a hundred diamonds, the green god of wealth sent you a thousand jadeites, the yellow god of wealth sent you two thousand gold, and the black god of wealth sent you hundreds of billions of black tourmalines.
10. He also bought a crab blue dragon tourmaline, which was acquired by a French family in the early 20th century.
1 1. In addition to their beautiful colors, these tourmalines also show very rare high purity.
12. Starting from the tomb of the Northern King, nine mysteries began to appear, and all souls rested in peace. Dragon Ball, Yin and Yang Shikun, Bailipeng Map, Nebula Map, Tourmaline, Magic Color, Blue Sea Knife, Nine Mysteries Restoration, Heaven and Earth Restoration.
13. Shengboda Jewelry was established in the mid-1990s. It is mainly composed of middle and high-grade jade, mainly Hetian white jade and jadeite, and also takes into account Hetian jasper, Nanyang dushan jade and tourmaline.
14. On one occasion, her right wrist was covered with bracelets, including golden hair crystal, green ghost, amethyst, tourmaline and colorful crystal.
15. There are common minerals such as crystals, calcite and pyrite in the exhibits; There are also rare treasures such as chromite, vanadium ore and scheelite; There are also aquamarine, topaz, tourmaline and other precious stones that people especially like.
6. Say something good about blue sky: the lightest blue, almost without a trace of red, is like the coldness of the sky. It represents the original color, but also the representative of the biological childhood (the mature color is green). Psychologically speaking, sky blue, like pink, is a kind of "soothing color", which makes people quiet and relaxed.
Lake blue: dark blue, but with jumping light, beautiful like a lake immersed in endless silence. It means waiting. In terms of color suggestion, it is a forbidden color. Usually in places full of this color, people talk less.
Sapphire blue: It is said that the prototype of the goddess of hope is a blue diamond, so the jewel-like blue has become synonymous with hope. Psychologically speaking, sapphire blue, like purple, will give people a noble feeling and attract people's attention.