If you want to go back, you will be empty, and children will cry when they are homesick. I remember the white temple beside my bed, and I looked at the crutches. -Song Lingyun's "Two Memories of Father, the Second Time"
The words of the wanderer are attributed to Dai Zhun, and the thoughts of Ting Xuan are Lu Hua. Eighty years old is a mourning day, and at the beginning of ten years, the soul is mourned. Holding his back with one hand, I wish to send carp first. Kindly remember that I am special, and the dream of flying always depends on the door. -Zhang Guowei's "Eight Poems of Missing Mother, Part One"
I used to be a good reader, but I write my own works. Haggard for forty years, no meat to feed fleas and lice. Be careful not to learn from your grandfather, but from A and B. Sean Huangshi Street Sima Fa. Being the emperor's teacher is more subtle. -Li Shangyin's Proud Poetry.