Be worried about the worries of the world first, and be happy after the happiness of the world. When the water is clear and there are no fish, when people are aware of it, there are no disciples. I will examine myself three times every day. People should not be arrogant, but they must be arrogant. The old and the old, the young, the young and the young, do not do evil for small things, do not do good for small things, do not worry about wealth and honor first, and enjoy the happiness of the world later. When the water is clear and there are no fish, people I have observed myself without being a disciple. I will examine myself three times every day. People should not be arrogant, but they must be arrogant. Old people, old people, old people, young people, young people, and young people. Don’t do evil because it’s small, and don’t do good because it’s small. Wealth cannot be obscene, power cannot bend, poverty cannot be moved
Wealth cannot be obscene, poverty cannot be moved, force cannot bend
The order cannot be reversed, and it is not a compliment
< p>Praises include:Thousands of hammers carved out the deep mountains, and the fire burned them as if nothing happened.
At that time, people did not know the Lingyun tree, and they waited until Lingyun began to flourish.
Spring silkworms will not run out of silk until they die, and wax torches will not dry until they turn to ashes.
You can’t be lewd, you can’t bend with force, you can’t be moved by poverty and lowliness
Thank you