I. Poetry
1, the children rushed to chase Huang Die, and there was nowhere to find the cauliflower; The children in the school strongly taught and tasted, and the aftermath was everywhere; Red children feel sorry for themselves, and gullies are crowded; Therefore, children should be knowledgeable, and the three officials should be clear about filial piety, benevolence, courtesy and righteousness to ward off evil spirits.
2. It is better to know that ordinary people are suspicious than to think that children are ugly; The three sages have not yet understood the purpose, and sheep, deer, cattle and cars play with each other; If you lose to brocade, the child will be stretched and the daughter will enter the kitchen; The newborn child holds an iron bar and beats Mount Sumi with a hammer; When I asked your students under a pine tree, "My teacher," he replied, "went to pick herbs"; Blowing leaves across the embankment should be accompanied by three or four whips.
3. The children who went to Japan have grown up, but their relatives and friends in the past have withered by half; Nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind to it. People who have a heart, that is, people who are determined to be firm, are determined and determined, so they are fearless; At dusk, birds are sparse, and young children call cows home. There is no neighborhood in the residence, and Chai Men covers the door alone; Hu Lingneng's unkempt young children learned to hang on a bow and sit with raspberries and moss. Hearing the voice of passers-by, the child waved, afraid to disturb the fish and dare not respond to passers-by.
Second, children.
1, the child is a Chinese character, pronounced: Haizi, meaning child; Children, used as nouns. Parents call their children children; It is a nickname for elders to call their younger generation their children; /kloc-people under the age of 0/8 (i.e. minors). Source: "Mozi Ming Ghost": "Abandon Li Lao, thieves punish children."
2. On the Essence of Balance by Wang Hanchong: "When I was a child, I ate my evil and saw the sound of birth. Children begin to live, but they haven't connected with things yet. Who made it rebellious? " Tang Huangfu's The Original Story of Cui Shensi: (female) said,' I have been your concubine for two years and just gave birth to a son. The house and the second maid are all made by themselves, and they are provided with children. " "
3. Biography of Awakening Marriage, Cai Ruihong endured humiliation and revenge: "After Zhu Yuan and Ruihong got married, they respected and loved each other like fish. Six months later, they became pregnant. /kloc-I was satisfied in October and gave birth to a child. Zhu Yuan doesn't like it. " Lu Xun's Wandering Lonely Man: "In a word, the key is that you have no children. Why never get married? "