1, "The Combination of Songs of Yan": In the 26th year of Kaiyuan, a guest returned from Rong Yuan and wrote "Songs of Yan" to show that he was comfortable and kept, so he was harmonious.
2. The northeast border of China is shrouded in smoke and dust. In order to repel the barbaric invaders, our generals left their families. Stride forward together, looking like heroes should watch, and received the emperor's most cordial favor. They walked through the elm pass with the sound of gongs and drums. They waved a row of flags around the stone tablet. Until their captain in Shahai gave the order with feathers, the hunting fire of the Tatar chieftain flashed along the Wolf Mountain. The highlands and rivers on the outer border were cold and desolate, but soon the barbarians' horses ran wild in the wind and rain.
Half of us were killed at the front, but the other half are still alive, and the beautiful girls are still singing and dancing for them at the camp. In autumn, the desert is full of grass, the sun sets, and there are only a few surviving watchmen by the lonely wall. Serve the just cause and despise life and enemies. However, despite what they have done, Elm Street is still unsafe.
Still in the front line, the real armor is worn out and thin, and the jade chopsticks will cry after leaving. Still in this southern city, the young wife's heart is broken, while the soldiers on the northern border are looking forward to going home in vain. The strong wind cut off our progress, and there was nothing on the vast land. Three times a day, the dark clouds of slaughter rose over the camp. All night, the drums on the hour trembled and gave a cold rumble. Until the white sword is seen again, spattered with red blood, when death becomes a responsibility, who will stop to think about fame! However, when it comes to the hardships of desert war, today we will mention Li, a great general who lived a long time ago.
4. Gao Shi is a famous frontier poet in Tang Dynasty, with vigorous poetic style, bold and unrestrained momentum, enterprising spirit and enterprising spirit. Drums burst, stirring heroic, mighty soldiers, hunting in the north wind, flying flags in Jieshi Mountain. Snow covered combat knives, covered with blood; Have lofty sentiments and aspirations, eager to make contributions.
5. An ancient war song: Going up the mountain in bright daytime, we scan the sky for the torch of war, and at yellow dusk, we drink horses in the border river. The dark wind blew bursts of sounds, like the pipa of a princess in the Han Dynasty, full of hidden grievances. The clouds in the wilderness are not near the city wall at all, and the rain and snow cover the boundless desert. The sorrowful Hu Yanyan flew through the air, and HUS soldiers were all in tears. It is said that Yumenguan has blocked the road, so the soldiers can only follow the general around. The bones of death are buried in the wilderness every year, and only grapes from the western regions are sent to the Han people.
6. Li Qi was a famous poet in Tang Dynasty. Good at writing farewell frontier poems, broad-minded and bold, generous and sad. Climbing upstairs during the day, the desert is boundless, and horses drink water at dusk, running endlessly and boundless. The wind and sand filled the world, and the sound of pipa was endless, like crying; It's raining and snowing, and the geese are wailing, mourning and weeping.