The Internet interpretation of mourning is: mourning brings disaster to the country. "Book·Jun_": "Fu Diaotian sent mourning to Yin." Sun Xingyan said: "Heaven that speaks ill of words brings mourning and disaster to Yin." "Old Tang Book·Jingzong Ji": "If Bao Li does not rule the country, the country will be ruined." Tong Jijue was not mourned, but thanks to Pei Du, he was reinstated as Bi Xie."
The Internet interpretation of mourning is: mourning brings disaster to the country. "Book·Jun_": "Fu Diaotian sent mourning to Yin." Sun Xingyan said: "Heaven that speaks ill of words brings mourning and disaster to Yin." "Old Tang Book·Jingzong Ji": "If Bao Li does not rule the country, the country will be ruined." Tong Jijue was not mourned, but thanks to Pei Du, he was reinstated as Bi Xie." The structure is: descending (left and right structure) and mourning (upper and lower structure). The phonetic pronunciation is: ㄐ一ㄤ_ㄙㄤ. The pinyin is: jiàngsàng.
What is the specific explanation of mourning? We will introduce it to you through the following aspects:
1. Explanation of words Click here to view the details of the plan
bring disaster to the country.
2. Quotations and explanations
1. Bringing disaster to the country. Quoted from "Book·Jun_": "Bu_Heaven sent mourning to Yin." Sun Xingyan said: "Heaven that speaks ill of words brings mourning and disaster to Yin." "Old Tang Book·Jingzong Ji": "Bao Li is not the king, A few days after the reunification of the country, there was no mourning, but thanks to Pei Du, Ren Bixie was appointed.
Poems about mourning
The sky brings mourning and mourning very often. The sky descends on mourning in chaos
Idioms about mourning
Lower your heart and lose your temper. The door god does good deeds and brings auspiciousness. Songshengyue brings disaster. Surrender from the sky. Surrender and imprison to recruit rebels.
Words about mourning
Do good deeds to bring auspiciousness and surrender. Noble happiness descended from the sky, Songsheng Mountain descended from the people, the nobles descended from the heart, the door god was mourned, the door god was summoned to surrender, and misfortunes descended from the sky, the heart dropped
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