On people-oriented poems 1. What quotations Confucius and Mencius have about people-oriented are just original texts, thank you.
Confucius said, "Going out is like seeing a distinguished guest, which makes people like bearing a big sacrifice. Don't do unto others what you don't want done unto you.
No complaints in the state, no complaints at home. "Zhong Gong said," although never sensitive, please talk to him. "
Yan Yuan, the Analects of Confucius: Zhong Gong asked Confucius what benevolence was. Confucius said, "Going out to do business is like welcoming distinguished guests, and governing the country is like conducting major sacrificial activities, so be cautious.
Never impose what you don't want or do on others. If this can be done, there will be no resentment in serving the country and handling family affairs. "
Zhong Gong said, "Although I am not smart, please let me do as you say." 2. Confucius said: "Being rich and expensive is what people want, and there is no way to get it.
Poverty and meanness are human evils. If you don't get them their way, you won't go. Isn't it good to be famous if a gentleman goes to benevolence? If a gentleman has no final food, he will violate benevolence. If he expects anything, he will be unhappy. "
Confucius said: "Wealth is what everyone wants, but they can't accept it unless they get it through proper channels. People don't like poverty, but they can't get rid of it without proper channels.
How can a gentleman become famous if he violates the morality of "benevolence and righteousness"? A gentleman can't violate the principle of benevolence even if he eats a meal for such a short time. He must do this when he is displaced, and he must do this when he is in turmoil. 3. Confucius said: "The knower enjoys water, and the benevolent enjoys Leshan.
Those who know move, those who are good are quiet. People who know are happy, and people who are kind live long. "
Confucius said, "love the water, a wise man, loves mountains." . Wise men and wise men are active, and benevolent people are quiet.
Smart people are always happy, and people with kindness live long. 4. Confucius said, "Benevolent people, benevolent people, don't have to live to harm benevolence, but commit suicide to benevolence."
(The Analects of Confucius Wei Linggong) Confucius said: "People with lofty ideals will never do anything detrimental to benevolence and righteousness for their own survival, but would rather sacrifice themselves and abide by the principles of benevolence and righteousness." 5. Ziyou asked about filial piety, and Confucius said, "Today's filial piety can be raised.
As for dogs and horses, you can keep them. Disrespect. Why is it different? Ziyou asked what filial piety was, and Confucius said, "The so-called filial piety now always means that you can support your parents. (But this is not enough, because) dogs and horses can be kept.
If you are not sincere and filial to your parents, what is the difference between keeping a dog and a horse? 6. Confucius said: "People without faith don't know what they can do. If there is no cart, what can it do? " Confucius said: "If a person has no honesty, there is nothing to be sure of.
Just like ox carts and carriages, how can they walk without a shaft connected to a crossbar? 7. Zeng Zi said, "I visit you three times a day: Are you unfaithful to others?" Don't believe in making friends? Can't you learn? Ceng Zi said: "I have to check myself many times every day: Is it loyal to give advice and do things for others? Are you sincere and trustworthy when dealing with your friends? Have you reviewed the knowledge taught by the teacher? "8. Confucius said:" Seeing the sage Si Qi, I don't reflect on myself. "Confucius said:" When you see a saint, you should think of looking up; "When you see a person who is not virtuous, you must reflect on yourself and check your thoughts and behaviors."
9. Confucius said, "OK, come back! A spoonful of food and a spoonful of wine, in the mean lane, people can't bear their worries, and they won't change their fun when they go back. It's good to go back! " Confucius said, "Good moral character, Yan Hui! A bamboo tube with rice and a ladle of water lives in a simple and narrow alley. Most people can't stand this kind of hardship and sorrow, but Yan Hui doesn't change his happiness. Good moral character, Yan Hui! " 10. Confucius said: "I am determined to learn five out of ten, stand at thirty, be not confused at forty, know my destiny at fifty, listen at sixty, follow my heart at seventy, and not overstep my bounds."
Confucius said, "I was determined to study at the age of fifteen and became independent at the age of thirty, but I didn't understand many things until I was forty." At the age of fifty, I knew that everything had a destiny; At the age of sixty, I can listen to everything; At the age of 70, even if you follow your heart, you will not go beyond statutes and rules. "
1 1. Ye Gong asked Confucius about Luz, but Luz was wrong. Confucius said, "I don't say,' I am a human being, I am angry but don't eat, I am happy but forget my worries, and I don't know how old I am.'" "
Lord Ye asked Lutz about Confucius' recent situation, but Lutz didn't answer. Confucius said, "Why not put it this way:' He is a person who is so angry that he often forgets to eat (in pursuit of a lofty ideal) and is so happy that he forgets his sorrow that he doesn't even know that he is old. He is such a man! 12. Zi Gong asked: "Why did Confucius call it" Wen "? Confucius said, "I am quick and eager to learn, and I am not ashamed to ask questions. It is called' Wen'. "
(The Analects of Confucius Gongye Chang) Zi Gong asked: "Why is Confucius (posthumous title) called Wen?" Confucius said: "He is quick-witted and loves learning, and he is not ashamed to learn from people below him. So call him Wen. " 13. Zi Gong said, "Poor but not flattering, rich but not arrogant?" Confucius said, "Yes.
If you are not poor, you will be happy, and if you are rich, you will be polite. "Zi Gong said," Poetry said, "What is it if it is incisive and polished? Confucius said, "If you give it, you can distinguish the past and know who is coming. "
Zi Gong said, "People are poor but not flattering, and people are rich but not arrogant?" Confucius said, "Not bad, but not as happy as the poor. Rich people love gifts." Zi Gong said: "The Book of Songs says: Like processing bones, horns, ivory and jade, it must be studied and pondered (to become exquisite vessels). Is that what you mean? " Confucius said, "Duanmu Ci, I can start talking to you about the Book of Songs.
Tell you what happened and you will know what will happen in the future. 14. Mencius said: "Everyone has a tolerant heart.
The late king had a heart that could not bear others, and Sri Lanka had a policy that could not bear others. With the unbearable heart, you can't stand other people's politics and rule the palm of the world.
..... No compassion, no humanity; .
2. Complete translation of People-oriented.
"On the People" Original: Mencius said: "The people are the most important, the country is the second, and the monarch is the light.
So, Qiu Min is the son of heaven, the son of heaven is a vassal, and the vassal is a doctor. When a vassal is in trouble, he must change it.
Sacrifice is complete, prosperous and clean, and sacrifice is timely. However, drought and water overflow will change the country. Mencius said, "Jie and Zhou lost the world and their people." If you lose the people, you lose your heart.
There is a saying in the world: whoever gets you gets the whole world; There is a way to win the people: win their hearts and win the people; There is a way to get the heart: use it to gather what you want, and if you don't do evil, you will. When a man dies, the water goes down and the beast goes away.
Therefore, for those who drive fish, otters are also; For those who drive out the princes, they are also embarrassed; It was Jie Li and Zhou who drove the people away from soup and martial arts. Today, if there are good people among the monarchs, all the princes will drive them away.
Although you want to have no king, you can't have it. I want to be king today, and I want to be loved for three years after seven years of illness.
If you are not an animal, you can't live for a living. If you don't aspire to benevolence, you will be worried and humiliated for life, and even die.
"Poetry" said: "What can it be? It is full of carelessness and drowning. This is also called.
"I'm in the country, and I'm dedicated to it. If Hanoi is fierce, it will move its people to Hedong and its millet to Hanoi.
Hedong is also fierce. People who observe the politics of neighboring countries have no intention like me.
There are no more people in neighboring countries, and there are no more people in my country. Mencius said to him, "The king is belligerent. Please use the metaphor of war. Replenish drums, weapons company, abandon armor.
Or stop after a hundred steps, or stop after fifty steps. What if the pot is too black? "No, it's not a hundred paces straight, but it's also a walk."
Mencius said: "The people are the most important, the earth valley is second to the people, and the position of the monarch is even lighter." So with the support of many people, you can be the son of heaven, the vassal trusted by the son of heaven, and the doctor trusted by the vassal.
The vassal killed the ancient god of earth, so be a vassal instead. Sacrifice animals are fat and the grain is clean, and the sacrifice is carried out on time. But the drought and flood remained, and the god of land valley was changed. "
Mencius said: "Jie and Zhou lost the world because they lost the people;" You lose people because you lose people's hearts. There is a saying in the world: win the hearts of the people and win the world; People have a saying: win the hearts of the people, win the hearts of the people; There is a way to win people's hearts: what they want, they accumulate for them; Don't give them anything they hate, that's all.
People return to benevolence, just like water flowing downwards and wild animals running into the wilderness. Therefore, it is the otter who comes to fish deep water; It's a kite flying to birds and trees; It was Xia Jie and Shang Zhou who came to see King Tang and King Wu.
If the monarch in the world loves benevolence now, then the princes will bring the people here for him. Even if he doesn't want to rule the world, it's impossible.
People who want to rule the world now are like looking for treatment from Ai Lai after being ill for seven years. If you don't accumulate at ordinary times, you won't get it for life.
If you don't aspire to benevolence, you will be sad and humiliated for life, even death. The Book of Songs says, "How can we do things well? Only one person drowned.
That's the case. Liang Huiwang said: "I am really loyal to my country.
When there was a famine in Hanoi, some people there were moved to Hedong and food was transported to Hanoi for relief. There is a famine in Hedong, so am I.
Investigating the government affairs of neighboring countries, no monarch can worry about the people like me. However, the population of neighboring countries has not decreased, while the population of Wei has not increased. What is the reason? Mencius replied, "Your Majesty likes fighting. Please let me compare it with war.
Beating drums, the blades collide, (some soldiers) abandon their helmets and armor and drag their weapons to escape. Some escaped a hundred paces and stopped, while others escaped fifty paces and stopped.
How about laughing at those who have escaped only 50 steps and 100 steps? Hui Wangdao: "No, it's just that the people behind you can't escape. Is this also an escape? " Mencius said, "If your majesty knows this, he can't expect the people of Wei to outnumber his neighbors. Don't delay the people's farming season, and they can't finish eating food; If you don't put fine fishing nets into the pond for fishing, fish and turtles will never finish; If the forest is cut down in a certain season, the wood will not be used up.
Food, fish and turtles can't be eaten up, and wood can't be used up, so people can raise children and do funerals without regrets. People have no regrets when they live, raise, die and mourn. This is the beginning of kingliness.
Five acres of land, all kinds of mulberry trees, fifty-year-old people can put on silk cotton-padded jackets. This article comes from the writing background of Mencius' People-oriented Theory in the Warring States Period: around 329 BC, Song Gongzi proclaimed himself emperor and Mencius arrived in Song State.
In the Song Dynasty, Teng Wengong was still a prince, and he met Mencius when he went to Chu to pass by the Song Dynasty. "Mencius' Tao' is good, and his words will be called Yao and Shun. "
He came back from Chu State and met Mencius in Song State. Mencius said, "Do you doubt my words? This is just a husband's way. "
This means that as long as we study the "first king" well, we can govern Tengguo well. Soon, Mencius accepted a gift of 70 yuan, left Song State and returned to Zou State.
According to records, Zou and Lu had a conflict. Zou Mugong asked Mencius, "I lost 33 people, but the people died."
If you punish it, you can't win it; If you don't punish him, you will see him die for a long time without saving him. If so, why not? Mencius replied: "The years are not good, the monarch and the people are old and weak, and the strong are scattered everywhere, with thousands of people;" And your warehouse is impregnable and the vault is full, so I can't tell you. It is slow and disabled. "
He said, as Ceng Zi said: How you treat others, others will repay you. Now, your people have a chance to get revenge. Don't blame them! "Benevolent people, thinking of the people and loving the king, have died for a long time."
After Teng's death, he sent his friends to Zou Guo twice to ask Mencius how to handle the funeral. After Teng Wengong ascended the throne, Mencius came to Tengguo.
About the author: Mencius (about 372-289 BC), surnamed Ji, was born in Zou Guo (now Zoucheng, Jining, Shandong) during the Warring States Period. A famous philosopher, thinker, politician and educator in the Warring States period, one of the representatives of Confucianism, was second only to Confucius, and was also called "Confucius and Mencius" with Confucius.
Advocating "benevolent government", he first put forward the idea that "the people are more expensive than the monarch".
3. Mencius' people-oriented thought has a long history, and the people are rich and the country is strong. Du Fu was destroyed by the autumn wind in the hut.
1, Mencius put forward the people-oriented thought that people-oriented is second to your country, which has a long history. Du Fu's poem, which was broken by the autumn wind in the hut, is: There are thousands of spacious buildings, and the poor in the world are happy, and the wind and rain are calm and peaceful. Oh! When I suddenly see this house in front of me, I will freeze to death alone!
The feeling of worrying about the country and the people expressed in this sentence is exactly the people-oriented thought put forward by Mencius.
2. Appreciation of the original poem: The hut was broken by the autumn wind.
In August and autumn, the wind roared and rolled up my three hairs.
Hair flew over the river and sprinkled on the periphery of the river. The highest one hangs a long forest tip, and the lower one floats to Shentang 'ao.
The children in Nancun bully me, and I can't stand being a thief in the opposite direction and openly carrying Mao into the bamboo forest.
My lips are burnt, my mouth is dry, and I can't breathe. When I came back, I sighed at my staff.
In an instant, the wind will set the color of the clouds and ink, and the autumn will be bleak and dark. This cloth has been as cold as iron for many years, and Joule has been lying down and cracking.
There is no dry place in the bedside table, and the feet are numb with rain. What's the point of getting wet all night?
There are tens of millions of luxury houses in Ande, which greatly protect the poor people in the world from the spring breeze and the wind and rain!
Oh! When I suddenly see this house in front of me, I will freeze to death alone!
3. Appreciation of works:
"There are thousands of spacious buildings in Qian Qian, and the poor in the world are happy, and the wind and rain are as calm as a mountain." Seven characters are used before and after, and nine characters are used in the middle. The words "Guangsha", "Thousand Rooms", "Great Shelter", "Tianxia", "Happy Face" and "Anrushan" are loud and clear. This unrestrained passion and fiery hope, without singing, sighed, "alas! Suddenly I saw this house in front of me, and I froze to death alone! " The poet's broad mind and lofty ideals have been vividly demonstrated so far.
He did not describe his own suffering in isolation and simply, but expressed the suffering of the "poor people in the world" by describing his own suffering, so as to show the suffering of society and the times. In the autumn night when the wind and rain hit mercilessly, the poet's mind was not only troubled by "my hut was broken alone", but also by "human pity" Du Fu's strong feelings of worrying about the country and the people and his lofty ideal of urgently demanding to change the dark reality.
4. On the overall translation of the original version of PEP.
Mencius said: "The people are the most important, the earth valley is second to the people, and the position of the monarch is even lighter."
Therefore, with the support of many people, you can be the son of heaven, the vassal trusted by the son of heaven, and the doctor trusted by the vassal. The vassal killed the ancient god of earth, so be a vassal instead.
Sacrifice animals are fat and the grain is clean, and the sacrifice is carried out on time. But the drought and flood remained, and the god of land valley was changed. Mencius said: "Jie and Zhou lost the world because they lost people;" You lose people because you lose people's hearts.
There is a saying in the world: win the hearts of the people and win the world; People have a saying: win the hearts of the people, win the hearts of the people; There is a way to win people's hearts: what they want, they will accumulate for them; What they hate will not be imposed on them. People return to benevolence, like water flowing downwards, and wild animals rushing to the wilderness.
Therefore, it is the otter who comes to fish deep water; It's kites flying to birds and trees; It was Xia Jie and Shang Zhou who came to see King Tang and King Wu. If the monarch in the world loves benevolence now, then the princes will bring the people here for him.
Even if he doesn't want to rule the world, it's impossible. People who want to rule the world now are like looking for treatment from Ai Lai after being ill for seven years.
If you don't accumulate at ordinary times, you won't get it for life. If you don't aspire to benevolent governance, you will be sad and humiliated for life, or even die.
The Book of Songs says,' How can we do things well? Only one person drowned. That's the truth. "
Zou and Lu fought. Zou Mugong asked Mencius, "Thirty-three ministers died, and none of the people wanted to die for the chief executive.
Kill them, you can't kill them all; Don't kill them. I hate them for watching their CEO die. What shall we do? Mencius replied: "In the famine years, your people were old and weak, and the bodies were full of ravines. In their prime, they fled in all directions, with nearly a thousand people. But your granary is full of food, and the goods in the warehouse are also full, and no official reports to you. This ignores the monarch above and hurts the people below. Ceng Zi said:' Be alert, be alert! How you treat others, others will repay you.
People can treat their officers in this way in turn from now on. Don't blame them.
If you can practice benevolent government, people will naturally get close to their superiors and be willing to die for them. Mencius said: "There is no fixed industry, but you can maintain a perseverance in doing good. Only a scholar can do it.
As for the people, without a fixed industry, there is no constant heart for goodness. If there is no constant heart for goodness, you will run amok and do bad things.
When they commit a crime, they will be dealt with by criminal law, which is cheating the people. How can a benevolent rule like this when he is in office? Therefore, the wise monarch's main provisions on the people's inheritance rights must enable him to feed his parents, his wife and children enough, eat enough all the year round in good years and avoid starvation in bad years.
In this way, after guiding them to do good deeds, the people will be willing to listen. "Now, the provisions of the people's industry are not enough to feed their parents and their wives and children. In good years, they suffer all the year round, and in bad years, they will inevitably starve to death.
This (makes the people) even afraid of being too late to maintain their lives. How can they have time to pay attention to etiquette and benevolence? The king wants benevolence, why not return to the original? Mulberry trees are planted in the five-acre homestead (in front of and behind the house), and people aged 50 can put on silk cotton-padded jackets. Domestic animals such as chickens, dogs, pigs, etc., don't miss their reproductive opportunities. People aged 70 can eat meat.
One hundred acres of land, not taking up the farming season, a family of eight can not go hungry. Take school education seriously, repeatedly explain the truth of filial piety and respect for brothers, so that the gray-haired old man will no longer carry things on his shoulders.
Old people put on silk cotton to eat meat, and ordinary people are not hungry or frozen. This cannot unify the world, and it will never happen. "。