The most beautiful woman in the world is none other than the Chu Kingdom; the most beautiful person in the Chu Kingdom is none other than the minister; the most beautiful person among the minister is none other than the son of my employer. For the son of the master, if it is increased by one point, it will be too long; if it is reduced by one point, it will be too short; if it is powdered, it will be too white; if it is applied with red, it will be too red. The eyebrows are like green feathers, the muscles are like white snow, the waist is like a bunch of plain cloth, and the teeth are like plaited shells. A charming smile confuses Yangcheng and Cai. However, this woman has been climbing the wall to spy on the ministers for three years, and she has not allowed him to do so until now.
——Excerpted from Song Yu's "The Lustful Ode of Dengtuzi"
Verses that describe everything just right. Verses that describe everything just right
Describe just the right thing, no more, no less of poetry.
A pot of wine among the flowers, drinking alone without any blind date.
Raise a glass to the bright moon and make three people in the shadow
Verse of "Just right"
Everything is just right
The future is unknown
You are in my life It’s the best
Good night