Sighed: "If I had known this, why should I have?" He said to him, "I think it is a small matter that he laughs so much." Then he said, "Shi Yun, if he does it again, he will be severely punished."
However, what is the first step in making a mistake? This is self-inflicted, not man-made. Think about it before and after, and don't feel ashamed of them. But three or two people took a slight look and put their faces on the wall and said, "When others saw it, they lost their faces and dodged, and the rest was saved." After thinking about it, I knew I was stupid. Teachers and scholars also; Teachers are respected by others. Thinking about my mistakes today, I am ashamed of myself and my teacher.
If you think about this, you must choose your words carefully and think about its consequences. Don't act on impulse, don't just do it. It is wise to think twice before you act.
2. The idiom "ào huǐ wú jí" is too late to regret. Awakening: awakening. Wake up. Describe the rapid change. It refers to a complete change in thinking and a complete awakening. Repentance reading the South China Classic (Zhuangzi) is an unacceptable metaphor for being knowledgeable. Repentance: repentance; Over: error; Turn over a new leaf: Turn yourself over a new leaf. Regret your previous mistakes and make up your mind to turn over a new leaf. Regret coming together. Two things happen at the same time or are imposed on one person at the same time. It is both regret and resentment. Describe great regret and pain. It's too late to regret (Hu ǐ zh and b ǐ jí). It's too late to regret (Hu ǐ zh and w ú jí). It's too late to regret. Don't regret it until you die. I am stubborn. If I die without regret (sǐ ré rú hu ǐ), then I will not regret even if I die. I am firm. I am indecisive and regretful (yángguǐyú, xí nggu ǐ hu ǐ), which means that I seldom make mistakes when I speak or do things. If I had known today, I would have regretted it (zǐ ozh and j ǐ n). .
Who can tell me a poem that roughly means "It's too late to regret now"? Source and meaning are also young efforts, and the boss is sad.
Source: Han Yuefu's "Long Songs": "Sunflowers in the Green Garden bask in the sun. Spring fills the earth with hope, and everything presents a scene of prosperity. I am often afraid that the autumn festival will come and the leaves of yellow flowers will wither. The river runs to the sea, and when will it return to the west? If you don't work hard, the boss will be sad. "
Appreciation: This is a poem that encourages people to make progress as soon as possible. Except for the last two sentences, all the metaphors used in the poem are: play is a good season with plenty of sunshine and everything growing; Everything begins to turn yellow in autumn. This means that young people should work hard, otherwise they will accomplish nothing. Water is gone forever, and time is gone forever, which means that teenagers should work hard. As time goes by, time does not go back. Finally, the central idea is pointed out. Acts: in vain. People only have one life, and time and people are equal. As long as you throw it away in vain, it won't help to be sad in your later years. These two sentences have now become idioms.