In the Book of History, it is said that "forgiveness makes people believe", which means that Shang Tang made people believe in the world by virtue of forgiveness. "Benevolence" originally meant "relatives". In Shuo Wen Jie Zi, it is said that "the benevolent is also benevolent" and "the benevolent is intimate".
It is mainly to "kiss" family members and clan relatives, and this "kiss" is limited to family relatives.
Historical development:
With the evolution of history, the meaning of "benevolence" has been further expanded, from "relatives" to "lovers". Lao Tzu said, "Harmony without difference". It means to be friendly, sincere and selfless when dealing with people. Confucius once said: "The benevolent is kind, the non-existent is harmful, and the deceased is kind." .
Benevolence has become the highest realm of life morality here. In order to maintain benevolence, you can commit suicide, that is, you can sacrifice your life to maintain this moral concept. It can be seen that while the emotional scope of "benevolence" extends from family to society, the moral connotation and moral status of "benevolence" have been further enriched and promoted, becoming the first element of Chinese traditional virtue.