Tea caves are built by mountains and water. Crossing the pier is a river street, and the diaojiao building on the street is a distinctive building in the tea cave. When the spring water rises, the tea cave people enter the city by ladder, and then leave the city from the gate when the water recedes. If the flood is particularly fierce, the tea cave people will stare at the city. If they see people or things floating in the water, the tea cave people dare to rush to rescue them.
Appreciation: Xiangxi written by Shen Congwen has a simple natural beauty that is not polluted by the secular. Tea cave people also have the most primitive natural and simple character. Faced with the irresistible test of rising spring water, the tea cave people either let nature take its course or save people from the flood. Comply with nature, be brave and loyal. The author wrote "Border Town" as beautiful as heaven, and pinned his longing for this rural life.
brief Introduction of the content
Border Town is a novella created by Shen Congwen, first published on 1934.
Based on the tea cave in the border town of Sichuan and Hunan in the 1930s, the novel depicts the unique style of Xiangxi with beautiful brushwork of lyric and essays. The pure love story of Cui Cui, a boatman girl, shows the goodness and beauty of human nature. Due to the aesthetic art of Border Town, the novel Border Town has a unique position in the history of modern literature in China.