Guiyin sits with a curtain, and Chang 'an looks forward to Chongyang. There is no latitude and longitude in the road ahead, and the skin is black and yellow in spring and autumn.
Chrysanthemum should also be used when the wine is not fishy, and ginger must be used to prevent cold accumulation. What's so good about dropping the pot today? The moon is empty and the millet is fragrant.
2. Du Fu on the poor bank
This is a cloud that keeps out the rain. There is no need to count them. However, you see, the ancient Guan Zhong, the rich and poor gentleman's Bao Shuya, was abandoned like dirt.
3. Zhang Wei, the owner of Chang 'an Wall.
It takes gold to make friends in the world, not too much or too deep. Even if you make a promise temporarily, there will always be a long journey.