When Cang Tang arrived, he asked for an audience and said, "I am the messenger of your sinful son, and I dare not be listed in the doctor's court." I would like to use my leisure time to offer a breakfast for your chef, and take the North Dog and respectfully present it to your near minister. " Hou Wen said happily, "Love me, know my lust, and know my preferences." So he summoned Tang Cang and said, "There is nothing wrong with hitting your body." Cang Tang said, "Well! Hmm! " I asked this question three times and answered it three times. I suddenly said, "It is impolite for your majesty to send a prince, make him a monarch and call him by his first name." Hou Wen changed his face in surprise and asked, "What happened to your king?" Cang Tang said, "When I came, he was still delivering letters in the palace!" Hou Wen pointed to the waiters on the left and right and said, "King your is as tall as anyone. "Tang Cang said:" According to etiquette, comparable people must find a suitable object, and princes can't compare, so there is no comparable object. Hou Wen said, "How does his height compare with mine?" "Tang Cang said," The fur your majesty gave him can still be worn. There's no need to change it to his tape. "Hou Wen said," what does your king study? "Tang Cang said," Study the Book of Songs. " Hou Wen said, "What does he like in the Book of Songs? "I like two songs, morning breeze and millet parting." Hou Wen himself has read the poem Morning Wind. He said, "Birds in the morning wind have flown into the lush forest of steles. I haven't seen a wise monarch for a long time, and I can't forget my inner sadness. what can I do? "What a pity! Has he forgotten me? " Hou Wen read the letter and said, "Does your king think I have forgotten him?" Cang Tang said, "How dare you? I just miss it often. " Hou Wen read the poem "Su Bie Li": "Yellow rice droops, and the rice seedlings; I walked slowly during the journey, and my heart was very troubled. People who know me say I'm worried, while people who don't know me say I have any extravagant demands. What a long day! Why is this? " Hou Wen said, "Is your king complaining?" Cang Tang said, "How dare you! I often miss it. " So Hou Wen gave Tang Ci a dress and ordered Tang Ci to get to the crow.
The prince got up to meet him, accepted his reward, opened his clothes and saw that his clothes were upside down. The prince said, "This is to urge me to start early. The monarch will call to see me." Tang Cang said, "The monarch didn't give this order when I came." The prince said, "The prince didn't give me clothes because of the cold. I want to call me to stop discussing with others, so I order you to reach the crow. The Book of Songs says,' Before dawn in the east, I was in a state of confusion, and my clothes were upside down, tossing and turning. Someone called me from your place.' "So he went to the west to find the audience.
Hou Wen was very happy and gave a banquet and said, "It is not a good policy for the country to stay away from the sages and get close to the people you love." He sent his youngest son to Zhongshan and the prince back to China.
So he said, "I want to know his son and see the friends he has made;" I want to know his monarch and see the envoys he sent. It is said that Zhao Guocang went to Tang as a loving father and a dutiful son. The prince praised with the poem of the Book of Songs: "The phoenix has come and made a wonderful sound. They fly around and perch under buttonwood trees. There were also many talents in the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty. They were the messengers of the son of heaven, who obeyed and loved him. "This is also describe tang cang!