Laozi said, "Changde never leaves, but belongs to the baby." In order to prolong life and rejuvenate, we must leave Changde, put our ancestors before ourselves, be considerate of others, win glory for ourselves and others, don't insist on my opinion, I am wrong, don't be arrogant, don't try to be brave, be smart, bully others, be arrogant, vilify others and be more self-reliant. Remember to rob money, cheat money and corrupt. If you can come through thick and thin, be kind-hearted, always cultivate your merits, and put one in your heart, you can be honest and upright.
Second, the word "support":
Speak less to nourish internal qi, desire less to nourish essence, taste less to nourish qi and blood, swallow body fluid to nourish dirty qi, abstain from anger and nourish liver qi, eat less to nourish stomach qi, calm the fetus and nourish lung qi, think less about nourishing kidney qi, and carefully store and nourish qi.
Third, the word "heart":
All kinds of idealism, all kinds of idealism, the heart is the master of man and the master of spirit. To cultivate the spirit, it is necessary to cultivate the spirit from the heart. The heart is quiet, the heart is clear, and people forget me. It's wrong to have no distractions. It's a shortcut if you don't care for the name.
Fourth, the word "good":
Cultivate kindness, be kind, do good, be kind to others, and persuade others to be kind. Good at home and abroad, both moral and moral. If everyone can do good deeds, evil will disappear and the country and people will be safe.
Five, "no word tactic:
No boundaries, no dust, no thoughts, no heart, no land, no one without me. Taoism is the best kung fu, aiming at refining spirit, emptiness and emptiness. Buddhists demand no self, no self, no sentient beings, no Buddha, no eyes, no ears, no nose, no tongue, no body and mind, no fragrance and no touch. The highest state of Buddhism and Taoism, in the final analysis, is nothing more than that.