This sentence is written on the back of the photo Zhang Ailing sent to Hu Lancheng. The original sentence was "seeing him, she became very low, so low that flowers appeared in the dust." It did not appear in Zhang Ailing's works, but was mentioned by Hu Lancheng in this life.
When you fall in love with someone, you will be willing to pay for him without asking for anything in return, even if you are as small as dust in his eyes, you don't mind, and you will be happy for this kind of pay.
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Zhang Ailing's Love Story
Zhang Ailing had two unforgettable loves in her life, and Hu Lancheng was the first well-known love. In Zhang Ailing's work "little reunion", it is implied that she had an abortion for Hu Lancheng, but Hu Lancheng was a romantic figure, married eight times, a traitor of the puppet Manchurian government, and had an affair with a woman when she escaped arrest and went south. Zhang Ailing was extremely disappointed with him, but she made a modest contribution to him.
Finally, I broke up completely. When she was young, Zhang Ailing admired Hu Lancheng's writing style and academic accomplishment. After Hu Lancheng pursued her, they fell in love. However, when the past became a memory and found that Hu Lancheng was not worth her life's efforts, Zhang Ailing gave up completely. Later, Zhang Ailing went to the United States and met Yarra. Later, under Yarra's gentle pursuit, she healed the wounds left by Hu Lancheng.
Marry Yala. However, the good times did not last long. A few years later, Yala suffered repeated strokes and the economy was not rich. Zhang Ailing had to keep writing meager contributions to pay Yala's medical expenses, and struggled to support it. After several years, Yala finally passed away, and Zhang Ailing died alone. The poor generation of "literary genius strange girls" did not get a complete love after all.
Zhang Ailing had no children all her life. Unfortunately, I moved several times in my later years, leaving many manuscripts. Fortunately, there are few reunions left for future generations. In the 1990s, Zhang Ailing died in the United States.