"Zhouyi" said: "Tian Xingjian, the gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement; The terrain is rich, and the gentleman carries things with morality. The previous sentence said that the sky is like a key figure who keeps moving, and a gentleman should be so self-reliant. The last sentence says that people should be as big as the earth and be able to carry things with virtue. Since disabled people are members of human beings and born between heaven and earth, they should learn the natural laws of heaven and earth and fight for their lives persistently.
Moreover, disabled people will be taken care of by their families, relatives and some people in society. As the saying goes, a little kindness from others will bring a gushing water. As a member of this world, disabled people should know how to be grateful if they are human. What's the difference between gratitude and animals? Since you know how to be grateful, you should be physically disabled and determined to struggle for life.