The main idea of the lyrics is a Mr. Wang. The lyrics don't specify who Mr. Wang is, but the words "running for the future" and "worrying about the country and the people" in the lyrics are generally the words of scholars rushing to take exams or officials taking office. Scholars talk about world affairs, but officials dare not talk nonsense with their colleagues. It is a disaster to say it from their mouths, so Mr. Wang may be a scholar.
"Running towards the future in the blue river" and "Painting Boat" are both signs of taking the waterway. These two sentences should imply that Wang Shusheng went to Beijing to catch the exam, enjoyed the riverside scenery with other literati in the original boat, drank and talked about world affairs, and finally got drunk. Combine the singing of Wu dialect and Kunqu opera, sing the story of the ancient painting boat, and bring the listener into the beautiful and charming scenery of Jiangnan water town.
Lyrics of the song "Drawing a Boat":
This is the first glass of wine. Mr. Wang quit the palace lantern at the Old Man Bridge all night.
That night, it was reflected in the blue river running towards the future, and the wind and fire wall took in the unowned actors.
They slept on naked paddles and hunted for dust. This was the second glass of wine.
On the boat, where will you go? It's a gentleman who cares about the country and the people. There is a peaceful lamp on the top of the small car next to the memorial arch.
When they woke up, they were a little wet and tired, clapping warmly at the water and squeezing out a smile.
The diaojiao building without March willow has no rouge buckle, and the high lanterns on the bridge are full of wealth.
The third cup, three glasses of wine, they woke up a little wet and a little tired.
Applause clapped enthusiastically on the water, and there was no diaojiao building with March willows and rouge buttons.
The high lanterns on the bridge are hung with wealth, and the moon is just above the head.
When they woke up, they were a little wet and tired, clapping warmly at the water and squeezing out a smile.