B In the morning, turn from the right side of the temple to the mountain. The path is narrow and misty in the clouds. The stone steps are almost vertical, and the cliffs and valleys on both sides are deep, making people afraid to look aside. The road is winding, ten steps and ten folds, and I'm afraid. It turns out that climbing clouds is so difficult! I arrived at the Mid-Levels Pavilion at noon. Banshan Pavilion is fifteen miles away from Yue Temple. There are five peaks embracing each other and rippling in the sea of clouds, which is also a scene. After eating in the temple, I took a short rest and walked fifteen miles to Zhu Rong.
Walking in the mountains at first, I saw the peaks of Furong, Yanyun, Shi Lian and Tianzhu. Everything goes straight into the sky, like swords and halberds arranged in rows, competing to show amazing beauty. Zhurongfeng is hidden among the peaks, but it shows the peak like a bun. At the top of Zhurong Peak, I found other peaks at my feet, some like bowing, some like retreating, some like bowing, some like handing over, and the transpiration of Xiaojiang Xiangjiang River is like a blue ribbon.
Then I remembered Li Bai's poem "Snow on Five Peaks, Flowers Flying in Dongting", which really described the real scene here! Standing on the top of the mountain, looking at Jiuyi Mountain in Cangwu and overlooking Jianghan, the whole world is in the eyes. Look at those rolling mountains below, like dogs, like insects, like ants, and you can't see them anymore.
There are five people who visited with me this time, all of whom carved their names on stones for records. Stay at Guanyin Rock at dusk. Guanyinyan is about a mile from the top of the mountain. At night, Tianyuan's constellation is as big as cups, bottles and jars, unlike what you usually see.