Zhang Gongye's Translation of The Analects of Confucius


Yan Yuanhe's Discipline Poems (1). Confucius said, "What a pity! (2) each has its own views. " Luz said, "I wish I could ride a horse, wear light clothes and be with my friends without regrets." Yan Yuan said, "May there be no kindness, and no effort." Lutz said, "I want to hear about Zizi's ambition." Confucius said, "Old people are safe, friends are trustworthy, and young people are pregnant (6)."


(1) Yan Yuan, the father of Yan Hui and the earliest disciple of Confucius; Luz Luji followed Confucius all his life and was also an early student of Confucius. Attendant: Serve the food and stand with dignity.

(2) Damn it, why not.

(3) We don't use it well.

(4) If you keep cutting, the reason will be chaotic.

(5) Shi Lao: stone, confession. Labor, credit.

(6) Less pregnant people: let a few people get care.


Yan Yuan and Luz stood beside Confucius. Confucius said, "Why don't we talk about our own aspirations?" Lutz said: "I am willing to take out my own chariots, horses, clothes and fur robes and use them with my friends." If they wear out, I don't complain. " Yan Yuan said: "I am willing not to brag about my strengths and declare my contributions." Lutz said to Confucius, "I am willing to listen to the teacher's ambition." Confucius said his ambition: "Let the old people feel at ease, let friends trust, and let the young people get care."