Classical Chinese and Ming History —— Yin Changlong's Translation

Yin Changlong, word, Taihe people. He was a scholar during the Hongwu period. He was granted the right to edit, and was later appointed as the censor.

When Huidi first ascended the throne, he came out to see the court very late. Changlong remonstrated, saying, "Emperor Gao crowed at dawn and went to court. Before sunrise, he received hundreds of officials. Everything can be revitalized and the world is safe. Your majesty should inherit the heroic spirit of our ancestors, be conscientious and diligent. But now it's comfortable. It's been a few hours since the sun came out, and it hasn't reached the DPRK yet. Ministers stay in the Forbidden Palace, tired of waiting, absenteeism and wasting work, and relax. If this phenomenon spreads to four generations in the world, it is not a blessing for society. " The emperor said: "Changlong's words are sincere and frank, and the Ministry of Rites will publish his words to the world and let the world know my fault." Soon, he wrote again because of the earthquake and was demoted to Funing county magistrate. When the prince's army approached, the long dragon persuaded the emperor to stop fighting and let the prince appear before the court in Beijing on the grounds that Zhang Chang from the north led the Duke of Zhou to help him become a king. If there is a mistake, then give up the throne; If you hesitate now and find yourself in a dilemma, you can't be an apprentice in the future. After Chengzu entered Beijing, Changlong became a traitor. Because of the paper on it, he was spared the death penalty and ordered him to teach the prince in Beiping.

In the second year of Yongle, the prince was canonized as the Crown Prince, and Changlong was promoted to Zuo Chunfang and Zuo Zhongyun. He corrected everything and advised, and the prince respected him very much. On the day when Jie Jin was demoted, he was appointed as the director of the etiquette department. Lu Zhen, senior minister, is in power. He is mean and jealous. When he is meditating alone, if he scratches his eyebrows with his fingers, there must be a conspiracy. When his officials find out, they will warn each other. No one dares to report anything at this time. Long dragon came forward to report, Lu Zhen was furious. After a while, the long dragon reported again. Liu Zhen is more angry and brushes clothes. Changlong retreated to report to the prince and got the order to execute it. Lu Zhen was furious. He said that Changlong secretly wanted to form a party under the guise of the servants of the East Palace, and he had no intention of hiding it. Changlong was arrested and imprisoned, and was pardoned and reinstated soon. After his father died, he was recalled from his post before his filial piety expired. He went to visit Lu Zhen, and Lu Zhen received him politely. He went to the palace to deal with the previous memorial, was thrown into the Royal Guards Prison and copied it from home. Every time the emperor visited Beijing, people who were thrown into prison were followed by cars. They were called recidivists, and Changlong was one of them.

A few years later, the chaos of the ancient king came into being. Because Gu Wang had previously invited Changlong as his long history, he was convicted of conspiracy and ordered to be interrogated together. Long dragon has been arguing, Lu Zhen retorted. After the verdict is finalized, put him to death and kill him. Later, Lu Zhen was seriously ill and dying. He shouted "Impression" and said that he wanted to kill Chimelong when he saw him.