When the emperor tasted the frog's voice in Hualin Garden, he said to the left and right, "Is this singer official or folk?" Or "the official is in the official land, and the private is in the private land." When the world was in chaos and the people starved to death, the emperor said, "Why not eat minced meat?" The same is true of its deception.
Sima Zhong used to play in Hualin Garden. When he heard the toad's cry, he said to his entourage, "Is this official or private?" The attendant said: "The so-called official is in the official land, and the private is in the private land." People starved to death in the years of world famine. Sima Zhonglian asked, "Why don't they eat meat porridge?" His coma is always like this.
Is this it?