Guan Yu: I was in the drinking room and saw a big man pushing a car. He stopped in front of the shop, sat down in the shop and called the bartender, "Pour the wine quickly, I'm going to rush into the city to join the army." Liu Bei looked at him: nine feet long and two feet bearded; If the face is like a heavy jujube, if the lips are coated with fat; Cheng, lying silkworm eyebrow, beautiful and dignified. Liu Bei invited him to sit with him and knocked on his name. The man said, "My name is Guan Mingyu, and my words are immortal. Later it was changed to Yunchang, and Hedong was also a lover. I killed you and fled the rivers and lakes for five or six years because we were powerful. " I heard that the army was recruiting thieves here, so I came to recruit thieves. Liu Bei told Yun Chang about it, and Yun Chang was overjoyed. Let's go to Zhangfeizhuang to discuss something important.
hope this helps