This poem is from the Book of Songs written by Guan Yu in the pre-Qin period. Guan Yu's pigeon is in Hezhou. A beautiful and virtuous woman is a good spouse of a gentleman. Mix shepherd's purse and salvage it from left to right. A beautiful and virtuous woman wakes up to pursue her. If you can't pursue it, the black nightclub misses her during the day. Miss Long, I can't sleep over and over again. Mix shepherd's purse and choose from left to right. A beautiful and virtuous woman came to her with a couple and a couple. Pull shepherd's purse from left to right. A beautiful and virtuous woman rings the bell to please her. In fact, translating it into modern Chinese is
Guan Guan and Ming's pheasant doves are accompanied by small and medium-sized rivers. That beautiful and virtuous woman is a good spouse of a gentleman.
Uneven shepherd's purse, from left to right. That beautiful and virtuous woman wants to pursue her when she wakes up.
I can't get it when I pursue it, and I always miss her day and night. I miss you so much that I can't sleep.
Pick the shepherd's purse from left to right. The beautiful and virtuous woman approached her by playing the harp.
Rugged shepherd's purse, pulled from left to right. A beautiful and virtuous woman rings bells and drums to please her.