Alias Description: (Shrub) Empty Sparse, Giant Bone, Empty Wood, Hua Mao. Saxifragaceae, Deutzia. Deciduous shrub, sparse semi-evergreen, up to 3 meters high. The bark peeled off into thin slices, the branchlets were hollow, reddish brown, with stellate hairs when they were young, and the old branches were smooth. Leaves opposite, with short stems; Leaf blade ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 5- 12 cm long and 2-4 cm wide, sharp, slightly rounded at the base, with small serrations at the edge, and stellate hairs on both sides, rough.
Erect panicles with white or pink flowers; Calyx tube bell-shaped, connate with ovary wall, lignified, 5-lobed, erect, persistent in fruit; Petals 5, petals rectangular, with stellate hairs outside; There are two long teeth at the top of filament; Styles 3-5, free, stigma usually decurrent. Capsule is nearly spherical, with flat top, short beak and net pattern.
Distributed in temperate East Asia, Mexico and Central America. There are 53 species (including 2 introduced or naturalized species) 1 subspecies 19 varieties in China, which are distributed in all provinces and regions, but the southwest is the most.
More common in valleys, roadsides, crevices and hilly shrubs. Like light, a little tolerant of shadows. I like warm and humid climate, but I am cold-resistant and drought-tolerant. The requirements for soil are not strict, humus pH is 6-8, and soil with good drainage is suitable. Strong sex, strong germination and pruning resistance.