There is moonlight in Chang 'an, and all the families in Yi Dao are there. The autumn wind blew Yi Dao's voice, and every household remembered the people guarding the border.
Only exquisite people will smile and look at everything around them, just quietly. Virgos are often delicate to the bone marrow and then find that everything doesn't matter. Shi Buyin, born in September of 10, just caught up with the ripening of persimmon, so behind his smile, he still has a deep obsession with persimmon. Of course, Marubeni's smile hides too much disdain. Who can see through him? He is a mystery. Of course, sometimes you don't have to say anything. There are countless sad farewells in the warm autumn. But as long as someone is waiting for you, there is hope to wait until the return date.
The town is cool in autumn, and everyone knows that the persimmon is ripe. There is no such thing as being bored with sweetness until a beautiful woman drools. Maybe Marubeni prefers life to killing. Perhaps the one who knows this best is Chaos Chrysanthemum. He always has nothing to do with himself, putting on a coquettish and strange figure. He always likes to avoid the topic of right and wrong, because he is always involved in right and wrong. This smiling white man is actually full of mystery. In Luanju's mind, it is not gentle floating bamboo or wild spring water that lives for her, but the silver that likes to eat persimmons. Of course, Luanju also eats persimmons made by Yin himself. Instead of having an affair every day, finding a singer to play and sing and making up some flashy sentences, it is better to enjoy life. Shi Buyin is a person who likes persimmons. He has no aristocratic background, only a constant smile. Of course, when necessary, he also has a knife to cut off blood and seal his throat. People in earth signs always dislike glitz, practicality and directness. So he would smile and say, shoot him, magic gun. There is no earth-shattering scene, only bustling indifference.
In fact, Marubeni knew the truth from beginning to end. He is the most trusted deputy of Aizen and the only one who dares to make fun of Aizen. In death cartoons, Kurosaki Ichigo may be the one who laughs last, but Marubeni must be the one who laughs all the time. Although his smile sometimes makes people feel cold, he is a person who shares his persimmon with you. When he smiles at the maple leaves and golden persimmons in autumn, you will think it is a warm autumn. Perhaps only Yan Ju understood Marubeni's warmth and accompanied her one autumn after another, so when Marubeni said sorry to her in the negative film, only Yan Ju understood that it was a beautiful end of all the past.
Luan Ju said that Yin never told her his whereabouts. Silver didn't answer because he couldn't give her a satisfactory answer, not because he didn't know, but because he knew too much. When a person is unwilling to lie, he will avoid facing it. He always holds an attitude that has nothing to do with himself. From the beginning, it was the way the dance academy smiled at everything, but behind his smile, there was actually only tenderness for one person.
I made no secret of my gratitude to Marubeni. In fact, many people involved in the storm can never escape their fate. Whether it is sentimental, afraid or pretending to be strong, it is not as good as an attitude, which is called indifference. The indifference of Shibuya Bank includes his life, his past, and his disdain and arrogance. He likes walking, but at the same time his stunt is threading a needle. Just like himself, he often idles around, but when he gets serious, he will always be hit. I graduated from Zhenyang Psychic College in just one year. When he was a teenager, he could shoot three seats with a smile. He never takes it seriously. He is a mystery from beginning to end.
If you are a little star, you will participate in the card, you will be punished and you will not die. -The Book of Songs Little Star
The poem "The Book of Songs Little Star" is the best portrayal of chaos and chrysanthemum. Perhaps every time the chaotic chrysanthemum passes by the persimmon tree of the Sanfan team, it will see a silver silhouette with curved eyebrows and corners of the mouth, just like that year. In a trance, a touch of silvery white gently crossed the autumn, which is a warm autumn.