Princess Changning's Dongzhuang's banquet should be held outside Dongguo in Qinyuan, and Luan 'er should visit it. The waterside pavilion should be in full swing, and the mountain building should look at the night. Feast near the goddess and drink near the minister. I admire the sacred algae hanging like a statue.
In the early spring of Su Weidao, the banquet in the palace should be made (with the word "Tian"), the warm liquid should be dripped, the waves should jump, and the strings should be answered urgently. When I'm drunk, it's like dreaming of heaven.
Li Shifeng, imperial edict 9 banquet, so that Qiu Guang is not allowed to enter the park, Chen You color is high. Yu Fang presented colorful barnacles, and Ju Rui recommended fragrant fermented grains. After riding willows on the embankment, brush peaches first. Wang Mei is very obedient. He is ashamed to fly.