Interpretation: if a person uses too much wisdom, he will think too much and hurt his body; A person, too much affection, will not live long; A person, too strong, brings shame to himself; A real gentleman should be as gentle as jade.
From this proverb, we can see that Mr. Jin Yong has a very high philosophical accomplishment, and he has thoroughly understood the truth of "extremes meet" in nature. Everything in the world has its own measure. If it exceeds a certain degree, it will be counterproductive. As the saying goes, "misfortune and happiness depend on it, and misfortune and happiness depend on it." The thought of living will hurt the spirit, so people with great wisdom know how to keep their hearts quiet, indifferent to their ambitions and try to be quiet.
Vigorous feelings are precious, but the deeper you use them, the greater the damage you will get in the end. Just as Zeng Guofan said, "You should be quiet, and you can't be overjoyed and sorrowful", so we'd better keep a good attitude of "don't like things, don't feel sorry for yourself"! The more talented people are, the easier it is to be proud, but "there are people outside, there are days behind", blindly flaunting their own strength as bring disgrace to oneself. Jin Yong now warns us to be a modest gentleman like Liangyu, think hard, be yourself and strive for self-improvement. This is great wisdom!
2, he is forced by him, and the breeze blows the hills; He let him pass, and the bright moon shone on the river. He is self-defeating, he hates himself, and I am full of anger. -Jin Yong's "Yi Tian Slaughter the Dragon"
Interpretation: others will be strong by him, and I still maintain a good mentality of "the breeze blows the hills"; Everyone else is arrogant and doesn't give a reason. He is arrogant, and I still maintain a good attitude of "the bright moon shines on the river". An arrogant and unreasonable person is rewarded with evil in the end, and I am always the same. I am satisfied to breathe the true qi in the world.
As the old saying goes, "one good deed deserves another, and another bad deed deserves another." It's not time, "similar to Mr. Jin Yong's above motto. When we face the power of the earth, the best way is to "use softness to control rigidity". If you are tough, it is likely to be "an egg hits a stone" or "both lose" in the end. Lin Zexu said that "the towering cliff stands tall because it has no secular desire", that is to say, the towering cliff stands tall; By the same token, the biggest struggle is that we don't fight with others, as Mr. Guiguzi said: "It's better to be invisible than to fight in vain"!
Zeng Guofan also specifically expounded the real "combination of rigidity and softness" in his book "Tingjing". He said: "To gain the way of heaven and earth, we should combine rigidity with softness, and we should not neglect it. If you are too weak, you will be depressed. If you are too rigid, you will be folded. It's just that this is not autocracy, it's just a powerful correction; Softness is not inferiority, but humility. "This means that a person can't be too weak or too strong, but should be both rigid and flexible. And "helping" does not mean bullying others' weaknesses with one's own strength, but a kind of self-improvement, that is, turning one's weaknesses into advantages with tenacious perseverance; "Weakness" is also a lot of humbleness and weakness, but humbleness lies in its own strength.
It can be said that Mr. Jin Yong's proverbs are the same as Zeng Guofan's understanding of "combining rigidity with softness", and they are deeply rooted in the golden mean of "combining rigidity with softness". Mr. Jin Yong can do "Don't be surprised, look at bloom before the court; Go or not, look up at the sky, the clouds are rolling. " This kind of ideological realm is also very worth learning!
As long as there are people, there are grievances. If there is a grudge, there are rivers and lakes, and people are rivers and lakes. -"the legendary swordsman"