A summary of common typos in Chinese language in units 1-5 of the second volume of seventh grade

The outline of the poverty-stricken years leads the heavy load, the depth is hesitant, the locked rock is noisy, the righteous indignation fills the head, the head is white and frightened, the head is white, the water is tall, the boat is excited, the fetters are excited, the fetters are suddenly complicated, the burning is suddenly stopped, the pleasant cinnabar water gate is muted, quiet, and the frown is charming. Angry flower The vines are trembling, devouring the weak, exhausted, the widow is horrified, unhappy, trembling, competing for sifting chaff, plowshares, worms, stone bones, haze, building a territory

This is a word that is easy to make mistakes in the whole text, and it may not be very good. I hope it can help you