Wang Changling wrote in "Joining the Army": "The yellow sand wears the golden armor in a hundred battles, and the broken Loulan is not returned." This sentence describes the psychological activities of soldiers at that time. They greeted the victory bravely. This poem is different from other poems. It describes the confidence of soldiers that they will never go home until they defeat the enemy. At that time, this poem by Wang Changling was not only an ordinary frontier poem, but also an invisible encouragement to the soldiers.
If the poem just now expressed high-spirited fighting passion, then I'm afraid this poem is very sad, because it shows the other side behind success. "Don't laugh when you are drunk. You have fought several wars since ancient times. " In fact, even if those soldiers who work hard for the national interests succeed, what can they get? Fame and fortune? Without a life-and-death fight, who can buy insurance for their own life safety? Therefore, don't think about how great and proud the victorious soldiers are, and how much they gain and lose under the shadow of these temperament!
War sometimes imagines victory and success, but it is bloody, cruel and dead. Poets write poems denouncing the greed of kings and praising the bravery of soldiers. We should also remember yesterday's tragedy and repeat a better tomorrow. After all, war is harmful!