Once upon a time, there was a Zheng man who wanted to buy a new pair of shoes. He measured his feet in advance and put them on the seat. When I arrived at the market, I forgot to bring my size. I picked out my shoes and found, "I forgot my size."
Just go home and get the measurements. When he returned to the market, the market had already dispersed, and he didn't buy shoes at last. Someone asked, "Why don't you try on your shoes with your own feet?" He replied, "I would rather trust the measured size than my own feet."
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This story tells people to be flexible in handling things, not to stick to the rules, not to stick to the rules, to pay attention to objective facts, and to proceed from reality in dealing with people. This native Zheng, who only believes in the size of his feet but not his own, not only made a big joke, but also made him unable to afford shoes and became a laughing stock.
Some people talk, do things and think only from books, not from reality. He believes what is written in the book, but he doesn't believe what is not written in the book but actually exists. In this kind of person's view, only what is written in the book is truth, and what is not written is not truth. In this way, of course, thinking will be rigid, and actions will easily hit a wall.