When Su Dongpo was in Huangzhou, one day, a poem came and wrote a poem praising the Buddha: Jishou is in the sky, shining with lights; Sitting on the purple lotus without moving the Eight Peaks is a poem with high artistic conception, which is not very successful in Buddhism. It is absolutely impossible to write such a good poem. Su Dongpo wrote this poem and recited it repeatedly. I was very satisfied then. He thought of his good friend, Zen master Buddha. He thought that if the Zen master saw this poem, he would appreciate it very much and even applaud. So he immediately copied it on poetry paper, sealed it with an envelope and sent it to Guizong Temple on the south bank of the Yangtze River.
Write "fart" at the end of the poem and give it to the servant to bring it back to Huangzhou to Su Dongpo. After Su Dongpo left, he was waiting for his servant. He believes that the monk will be very grateful when he sees this poem. He waited for the good news wholeheartedly, and the servant would come back easily.
Write a few words on your poem paper. I don't know what to write. When the servant said this, he handed the letter to Su Dongpo and opened the envelope. When he saw the bottom of the poem and the word "fart", he couldn't help but ignite a fire 3000 feet high. No matter how carefully he examines his poem, he can't find its shortcomings;
Su Dongpo chased Lushan Guizong Temple and angrily wanted to settle accounts with a monk. Zhi Zhi, the Zen master, said to the guests in the guest room, "There are no guests today." Su Dongpo listened, but he couldn't stand it anymore. He didn't care, so he ran to the abbot's room in three steps and two steps. He saw the door of the abbot's room closed. He was about to raise his hand and knock at the door. Suddenly, he found a note posted on the door, which read "Eight winds don't move, a fart crosses the river".