2. He once said to Gu Rong, a native of the same county: There are wars all over the world, and they are still going on. Everyone who is famous wants to retire. I am a mountain man, unable to adapt to officialdom, and desperate for the status quo. It seems that it is time to nip in the bud and think about the future. However, it is not easy to give up the immediate fame and fortune, and he has not made the final decision.
One autumn, Ying Ji felt that the autumn wind in Luoyang seemed to bring the fragrance of the earth, and he suddenly had a strong homesickness. Then, he recalled the delicious food such as water shield soup and perch in his hometown Wu, and felt that the nostalgia was hard to disappear. So, he naturally said to himself: You should indulge yourself all your life. Since my hometown is so memorable, why should I go thousands of miles away to be a constrained official and win any fame? Then he did not hesitate to quit his post in the King of Qi and drove thousands of miles back to his hometown.
4. Shortly after Ying Ji resigned and returned to his hometown, Sima Jiong, the king of Qi, was murdered, and the people were implicated in succession, and many people lost their lives. Only Zhang survived and people praised him for his foresight.
5. Later generations used stories like Ruan Geng's perch or Ying Ji's homesickness to describe that people don't pursue fame and fortune, and everything goes with the flow. Or describe people's yearning for their hometown.