1. Being close to a dutiful son will make him respect if he lives, enjoy if he is raised, worry if he is ill, mourn if he is bereaved, and be strict if he is sacrificed. -The Book of Filial Piety and Ji Xiaoxing by Confucius in the Warring States Period
explains: A dutiful son should do his utmost to respect his parents when he is at home, and he should maintain a pleasant mood when he is supporting his diet and life. Parents are sick and should take care of them with anxiety; When parents die, we should do our best to take care of the aftermath with sadness; we should take the sacrifices made to our ancestors seriously; we should not be chaotic in manners.
2. The most important thing for a dutiful son is to respect his parents. -Mencius in the Spring and Autumn Period
explains in the fourth section of Mencius Zhang Wan's chapter: filial piety is the highest for a dutiful son, and there is no more respect for his parents.
3. Only filial piety can relieve worries. -Mencius in the Spring and Autumn Period
explained: Only by filial piety can we solve our worries.
4. The tree wants to be quiet, but the wind will not stop, and the son wants to be raised, but the relatives don't need to be explained-Confucius's Family Language Volume II, The Eighth Thoughts
explains that the children want to support their parents, but their parents have left.
5. Parents love and respect what they love. -Confucius in the Spring and Autumn Period
explained: Parents should love what their children love; People whose parents respect should also be respected by their children.