The Book of Songs "Wang Feng Millet Li"
The millet is separated, and the seedlings of the millet are growing. The pace is slow and timid, and the center is shaking. Those who know me say that I am worried; those who do not know me say that I want nothing. Long sky, who is this!
The millet is separated, and the ears of the grain are separated. Walking forward with great strides, the center is like intoxication. Those who know me say that I am worried; those who do not know me say that I want nothing. Long sky, who is this!
That millet is separated, that is the reality of the grain. The walking is so slow and timid, the center is like choking. Those who know me say that I am worried; those who do not know me say that I want nothing.
Long sky, who is this!
In the past I left, and the willows lingered; now I come to think about it, the rain and snow are falling ------