What's the difference between stamens and pistils?

1, different body types. Stamens are petite and scattered around the pistil, with a diameter of only about 1 cm, while the pistil is larger than the stamens and occupies the center of the flower.

2. The quantity is different. The number of stamens can reach seven or eight. For example, flowers such as water lilies have as many as ten stamens, but the number of pistils in flowers is less than that of stamens. Flowers and plants generally have only one pistil.

3. Different roles. Stamens grow next to the pistil, which is the male reproductive organ of the flower and is responsible for receiving the spread pollen, while the pistil is located in the center of the flower and belongs to the female reproductive organ, which is responsible for spreading pollen and fusing with the stamens of other flowers to breed new plants.

4. The ingredients are different. Stamens consist of filaments and anthers. Filaments are filiform and supported by receptacle, while pistils generally consist of three parts: style, stigma and ovary, in which the ovary is cystic and the style is above the ovary.