The next day, (Zhou Yu) called everyone under the account and asked Zhuge Liang to discuss the matter. Kong Ming gladly came. After sitting down, Yu asked Zhuge Liang, "What weapon should be used first in today's war?" Kong Ming said, "On the great river, bows and arrows go first." Yu said, "Your words are stupid. However, there is a shortage of arrows in the army nowadays. Mr. Dare to bother to supervise the manufacture of 100,000 arrows, thinking it is a sharp weapon against the enemy. This is official business, sir. Fortunately, don't turn it down. " Zhuge Liang said, "When you meet the committee, you should do your job well. Dare to ask a hundred thousand arrows, when will they be used? " I asked, "Can it be finished in ten days?" Zhuge Liang said, "Cao Jun will arrive today. If he waits for ten days, he will miss something important. " Yu said, "When do you think it will be finished?" Zhuge Liang said, "It only takes three days to worship a hundred thousand arrows." Yu Yue said, "There is no joke in the army." Zhuge Liang said, "How dare you be the commander of a war zone! I am willing to accept a military order: if I don't do it for three days, I will be in hell to pay. " Zhou Yu was overjoyed, so he asked the military and political department to pick up the documents in person, and treated him with wine, saying, "When the military service is over, I will receive my own reward." Zhuge Liang said, "It's too late today. We will build it tomorrow. On the third day, we can send 500 small troops to the river to move arrows. " I resigned after a few drinks. Lu Su said, "Is this man cheating?" Yu Yue said, "He died an unnatural death, and I forced him to do so. Now that he knows that I asked the public for identification, he is too scared to fly. I just gave it to craftsmen and others, asking them to deliberately delay, and the application was not complete. In this case, the date must be missed. What's the point of conviction at that time? I can go to see him today, but I will repay him. "
Su Ling sent for Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang said, "I told my son to respect him, so don't tell Gong Jin, he will hurt me. I don't want Amethyst not to hide it for me, but something really happened today. How to make 100 thousand arrows in three days? Amethyst must save me! " Su Su said, "You are asking for trouble. How can I save you? " Zhuge Liang said, "Wang Zi is willing to lend me 20 ships, each with 30 sergeants. All the boats are covered with green cloth, and there are more than 1000 sokcho boats on both sides. I'm useless for being smart. On the third day, 100,000 arrows were seized. I just can't teach Gong Jin. If he knows, I am finished. " Sue promised, but didn't understand what it meant. In return, Zhou Yu didn't mention borrowing the boat, but said, "It makes sense that Kong Ming doesn't need arrow bamboo, feathers and glue paint." "See how he replies to me after three days!" Yu Da said incredulously.
Lu Su sent 20 canoes privately, each with more than 30 people, as well as cloth curtains, sokcho and other things, all ready for Zhuge Liang to call. On the first day, there was no movement of Kong Ming; The next day, it stopped moving. At four o'clock on the third day, Kong Mingmi invited Lu Su aboard. Su Shi asked, "What's the point of calling me here?" Zhuge Liang said, "I specially invited Amethyst to bring an arrow with me." Su Shi said, "Where can I get it?" Zhuge Liang said, "Amethyst, don't ask. I'll see you when I arrive. " He ordered twenty ships to be connected by long ropes and sailed for the north shore. It was foggy at night, and it was even more foggy in the Yangtze River, so we didn't meet each other. Kong Ming urged the boat to go forward, and sure enough, it was foggy! At five o'clock in the night, the ship approached Cao Cao's water town. Kongming sent boats from west to east, beating drums and shouting. Lu Su was surprised and said, "What if Cao Bing comes out together?" Kongming said with a smile, "I didn't expect Cao Cao to come out in the fog. We only care about drinking for fun and coming back when the fog clears.
In Cao Cao's camp, shouts of drums were heard, and Mao Jie and Yu Jin hurriedly flew to Cao Cao. Cao Cao sent an order, saying, "If the river is flooded with fog, its troops will suddenly arrive and there will be an ambush. Don't make a move. You can dial the water army archers to shoot at will. " And sent to the dry village called Zhang Liao, Huang Xu with crossbow soldiers three thousand, rushed to the river to help shoot. Compared with the arrival of the call to arms, Mao Jie and Yu Jin were afraid that the Confederate army would rob the water village, and they had sent crossbowmen to shoot arrows in front of the village. Soon, archers from the drought village also arrived, about 10,000 people, all shooting arrows at the river: arrows rained down. Kongming Sect hoisted the boat back, heading east and west, and was hit by an arrow near the water village, beating drums and shouting. When the fog cleared, Zhuge Liang ordered the ship to be closed and hurried back. Twenty ships lined up arrows on both sides of the sokcho. Zhuge Liang ordered the sergeant on board to shout in unison: "Thank you, Prime Minister!" It was reported in the village that the boat was light and hasty, and it had retreated more than 20 miles, so it was impossible to chase it. Cao Cao is remorseful.
Zhuge Liang returned to the boat and said to Lu Su, "There are about five or six thousand arrows in each boat. I won hundreds of arrows for Jiangdong regardless of cost. I'm going to shoot Cao Jun tomorrow, but it's not convenient! " Su Su said, "Sir, you are a man of God! How do you know there is so much fog today? " Kong Ming said, "I don't know astronomy, geography, strange doors, yin and yang, battle plans and military intelligence. It's for the general's use. I am a mediocre person. " It has been decided that there will be heavy fog before dawn today, so I dare to limit it to three days. Gong Jin told me that after ten days' work, craftsmen should not give up their materials. They knew they would kill me for this romantic crime. My life depends on the sky. How could Gong Jin hurt me? "Lu Su obeys.
By the time the ship reached the shore, Zhou Yu had sent 500 men to wait for the arrow to be moved by the river. Kong Mingjiao took it from the ship and got more than 100 thousand pieces, all of which were moved into the military account to pay. When Lu Su saw Zhou Yu, he was ready to say that Zhuge Liang had been hit by an arrow. Yu was shocked and sighed, "Kong Ming has a clever plan, so I'm not as good as him!"
Besides, Lu Su listened to Zhou Yu's words and went to visit Zhuge Liang on the boat. Zhuge Liang took him to the boat and sat face to face. Lu Su said, "I've been dealing with military affairs these days and I don't have time to listen to your teachings." Zhuge Liang said, "(Nothing) Even I didn't have time to congratulate Zhou Yu." Lu Su asked, "What's the happy event?" Zhuge Liang said, "I wonder if Zhou Yu asked you to send a letter (Zhou Yu used Jiang Gan to send a fake letter, so that he suspected that Cao Cao had killed Cai Mao and Zhang Yun, leaving no generals in Jiangnan who could train the navy)? This is a happy event. " Lu Su was surprised and asked, "How do you know?" Zhuge Liang said, "This deviance can only be used to deceive Jiang Gan. Although Cao Cao has been cheated for some time, he will surely wake up soon, but he just refuses to say that he is wrong. Now that Cai Mao and Zhang Yun are both dead, Jiangdong Navy doesn't have to worry. It's not worth congratulating ~ I heard that Cao Cao made Mao Jie be the commander-in-chief of the water army (they are also Cao Cao's men, but they are all land generals and can't train the navy). In the hands of these two men, the water army they trained will definitely die. " Lu Su has nothing to say. After a few casual chats, I bid farewell to Zhuge Liang and went back. Zhuge Liang urged again and again, "I hope you don't say to Zhou Yu's face that I knew about it in advance, for fear that he would be jealous and trouble me." Lu Su agreed. When Lu Su went back, he met Zhou Yu and told him everything just now. Zhou Yu was shocked and said, "Never let this man live. I am determined to kill him. " Lu Su advised, "If you kill Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao will laugh at you." Zhou Yu said: "I will naturally find an excuse to kill him, so that he can't hate me when he dies." Lu Su asked, "What excuse did you find to kill him?" Zhou Yu said, "Don't ask, you will know tomorrow."
The next day, Zhou Yu called all his men to the tent and asked Zhuge Liang to discuss the military situation together. Zhuge Liang came happily. After sitting down, Zhou Yu asked Zhuge Liang, "In a few days, we will fight Cao Jun. What weapons should we use to fight on the water?" Zhuge Liang said: "On the river, bow and arrow should be considered first." Zhou Yu said, "Your thoughts are the same as mine. But there is a shortage of bows and arrows in the army at present. Could you please supervise the production of 100,000 bows and arrows as war tools? This is everyone's business, I hope you don't shirk it. " Zhuge Liang said, "Of course I will do what you ask me to do. Can you ask when these 100 thousand bows and arrows will be used? " Zhou Yu asked, "Can it be finished in ten days?" Zhuge Liang said, "Cao Cao's army will arrive in a few days. If you wait another ten days, I am afraid that it will delay major events. " Zhou Yu asked, "How many days do you expect to finish it?" Zhuge Liang said, "A hundred thousand bows and arrows only take three days. . "Zhou Yu said," You can't joke in the army. " Zhuge Liang said, "How dare I tease you? I am willing to write a written military order. If you can't finish it in three days, you are willing to accept serious punishment. " Zhou Yu was very happy and asked the military and political departments to write down their responsibilities to Zhuge Liang in front of everyone. He also prepared a banquet to entertain Zhuge Liang, saying, "When the military affairs are finished, we will naturally prepare the reward." Zhuge Liang said, "It's too late today. We will start production tomorrow. On the third day, you can send 500 soldiers to the river to move bows and arrows. " After a few drinks, Zhuge Liang left. Lu Su asked Zhou Yu, "Is this man lying?" Zhou Yu said, "I didn't force him to die. Now he has written a letter of responsibility in front of everyone. Even if he has two wings, he can't fly. I just need to tell the craftsman and others to deliberately delay his time, and all the things that should be used to make bows and arrows will not be prepared for him. In this way, he will definitely delay the time. At that time, I will accuse him again. What excuse does he have? Now go to him for information and tell me when you come back. "
After Zhuge Liang left, Zhou Yu sent Lu Su to see Zhuge Liang to check the movement and find out the truth. As soon as Zhuge Liang saw Lu Su, he said, "How can 654.38 million arrows be made in three days? Still hope to help me! " Lu Su, who is kind and honest, replied, "You are asking for trouble. How can I save you?" Zhuge Liang said, "I only hope you can lend me 20 boats, each with 30 soldiers." All the boats are covered with green cloth, and there are more than 1000 boats on both sides of each sokcho boat. All this, I have my own wonderful use. On the third day, there will be 654.38 million arrows. But there is one thing you must not let Zhou Yu know. If he knows, he will definitely get in the way, and my plan will be difficult to achieve. " Although Lu Su agreed to Zhuge Liang's request, he did not understand Zhuge Liang's meaning. After Zhou Yu saw it, he didn't talk about borrowing the boat, but said that Zhuge Liang was not going to make bamboo, feathers, glue paint and other items for arrows. Zhou Yu was puzzled: "See how he explained it to me three days later ~"
Lu Su privately allocated 20 clippers, each with a team of more than 30 people, and covered and tied the boats with cloth and curtains, and prepared all the grass and other things. Waiting for the call of Kong Ming. However, Zhuge Liang did not move for two days. It was not until the third watch that he secretly invited Lu Su to the boat. Lu Su asked, "What's the matter with you?" Zhuge Liang said, "Please follow me to get the arrow." Lu Su asked inexplicably, "Where can I get it?" Zhuge Liang replied: "Amethyst doesn't have to ask, you will know when you go." Zhuge Liang then ordered 20 boats to be connected by long ropes and moored at Cao Daying on the north bank. This night, the fog is all over the sky, and the fog on the Yangtze River is thicker, so you can't see it on the opposite side. Kong Ming urged the boat to speed up, and sure enough, it was foggy.
By the fifth watch, the fleet was close to Cao Cao's water village. At this time, Zhuge Liang taught his soldiers to put the bow in the west and the stern in the east, horizontally in front of Cao. Then, he ordered the foot soldiers to drum and shout, deliberately creating a momentum of drum invasion. When Lu Su saw it, he was shocked and said, "What shall we do if Cao Cao takes all the soldiers out to fight?" Zhuge Liang told him frankly from the bottom of his heart: "I knew Cao Cao would never dare to fight rashly in this foggy night." You and I can drink and have fun, and we will come back when the fog clears. "
Besides, in Cao Cao's camp, Mao Jie and Yu Jin heard the shouts of beating gongs and drums and quickly reported that Cao Cao had an enemy invasion. When Cao Cao heard this, he immediately ordered, "The river is flooded with fog. The enemy came suddenly. There must be an ambush. We shouldn't go into battle easily. You can mobilize the water army and archers and shoot them with random arrows. " He also sent people to the drought village to summon Zhang Liao and Huang Xu, each with 3,000 crossbowmen, and rushed to the river to help with archery. Waiting for orders. Mao Jie and Yujin are worried that Zhou Yu's troops on the south bank will invade the water village. They sent crossbowmen to shoot arrows in front of the village. Soon, the crossbowman of Gancun also arrived. About 10,000 people all used the navy to shoot arrows. The arrows they shot were as follows. Zhuge Liang calmly ordered the fleet to turn around and go east-west, and got an arrow near the water village, and let the foot soldiers beat drums and shout. When the fog cleared at sunrise, Kong Ming ordered the ship to be sealed and returned quickly. Arrows are densely arranged on all the straws on 20 ships. He ordered all the foot soldiers to shout loudly: "Thank you, Prime Minister Cao, for your arrow!" " When Cao Cao learned the truth, Zhuge Liang's archery fleet had left more than 20 miles, and Cao Jun could not catch up. Cao Cao repented for this.
After returning to camp, Kong Ming's fleet said to Lu Su, "Each ship has about five or six thousand arrows, and soldiers can get 65,438+10,000 arrows without blowing off dust. I'm sorry to take it to fight with Cao Jun tomorrow ~ "Lu Su said," Sir, you are a god ~ How did you know there was such a heavy fog today? " Zhuge Liang replied to Lu Su: "As a general, if you don't know astronomy and geography, strange things and yin and yang, and you are not good at deploying and marching to fight, then you are a mediocrity. I predicted that there would be heavy fog today three days ago. That's why I dare to set a three-day deadline to finish making the arrow. Zhou Yu asked me to finish the arrow-making task within ten days, secretly stopped the arrow-making workers and materials, and didn't prepare for me, in an attempt to hurt me, apparently to kill me. -My life is life. How can Zhou Yu hurt me? " Lu Su admired Zhuge Liang after hearing this.
When twenty ships landed, 500 soldiers sent by Zhou Yu just came to the river to move arrows. Kong Ming asked soldiers to upload and move arrows, and there were always hundreds of thousands of arrows moved into barracks tents as tasks to pay. Lu Su went into the barracks and met Zhou Yu, telling him in detail how to borrow an arrow. Zhou Yu was surprised, sighed and said, "Kong Ming has a clever plan. I really can't compare with him. "