Write the names of yourself and your lover into a poem.
Jiang Chongshan, a Tibetan poem, asked about public opinion, and his thoughts were gratifying. He loved the guests in the past, and Zou Zhong appreciated the guests' feelings. People slept soundly, and Jin Yunqin asked Jiang Tousi. In those days, I saw love, love, love, fame, love. Zou today is happy, the crown is wet and the autumn fragrance is full of pools, and the rivers are floating in the rain. I still believe in my lover. Snuff spoony, Zou Zhen didn't turn over from Lu Shen, and the flowers attracted Jiangxia to have Han Yu. When Ai Jing urged Fang to push his way, Zou Jianjun learned that Lu Shen's double hair was the pulse of activating collaterals, and thought that the emperor would test the gods' love for you, joy for you, joy for you, joy for you, joy for you, joy for you, joy for you, joy for you, joy for you. Jiang Tang's fans are full of flowers, but I think the good quality of children is bosom friends. Cherish the dragon and hide the powder, cherish the Zou family. The ice is thicker and more fragrant in the New Year. Jiang zai, Hailong listens to the four kings. Cherish, like Baoyu, Zou Gong and Confucius, has a good reputation, and Lu seems to like Jiaxiang. Qingjiang is generally required to accompany Zhang's office to talk about names, love people, love people's hearts and love. Zou's family is from Fuxian, and they are people.