Go into the forest: the leaves have fallen, covering the paths with stones and moss. Simone, do you like to hear the footsteps on the dead leaves? How soft are their colors, how solemn are their tones, what brittle fragments are they on the ground? Simone, do you like to hear the footsteps on the dead leaves? They look so sad at dusk, How softly they moan when the wind blows them! Simone, do you love the sound of footsteps on the leaves? They cry like souls as the footsteps trample them, they make the sound of fluttering wings and the ruffle of women's garments. Simone, do you like to hear the footsteps on the dead leaves? Come: we shall live with the dead leaves. Come on: night has arrived, and the wind in our clothes is taking us away.
Simone, do you like to hear the footsteps on the dead leaves?
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