but after a few days, something went wrong. Wang Yucheng had a son named Wang Jia You, who was probably in his teens. Wang Jia You said, "Father, this poem you wrote a few days ago seems to have been stolen from Du Fu's poem!" Du Fu has written similar poems, and your poems were copied from him. Wang Yucheng said, how is that possible? I created it entirely by myself! His son took out a book of Du Fu's poems, turned to that page and showed it to him. Wang Yucheng took a look at it, and it turned out to be a poem written by Du Fu when he was in Chengdu Caotang, entitled "Que Jue Man Xing". How was this poem written by Du Fu? Du Shi said: "Peach and plum are planted by hand", that is, I planted the peach and plum trees in my family myself. This is not a flower without a master, nor a wild flower. The second sentence is "the old wall is low or home". I am a old man, and the old man is an old man in the country and a common people. Although my home is poor and my fence is low, this is my home after all, which means that others can't invade my garden at will. Why do you say that? Please look at the following two sentences: "Just like the spring breeze deceives each other, it blows off several flowers at night." He said that it seemed that the spring breeze deliberately bullied me, and the strong wind blew all night at night, breaking several branches of my tree. It was also a few branches that were broken by the wind, and the branches were still blooming. In order to impress everyone, I will read these two poems again. Wang Yucheng's poem is: "Two peaches and apricots reflect the hedges and decorate the home of Shangzhou's deputy envoy. Why can't the spring breeze tolerate it, and the warbler blows off several flowers. " Du Fu's poem is: "If you plant peaches and plums by hand, you will be home. Just like the spring breeze deceives each other, it blows off several flowers at night. " The two poems are very close, and their ideas, contents and sentences are very close. The problem is that Wang Yucheng didn't copy it. He saw the scenery with his own eyes and wrote poems by himself. Therefore, when Wang Yucheng's son said that your poems were stolen from Du Fu's poems, Wang Yucheng was not angry, but was very happy and overjoyed when he scolded his son for "how can you talk nonsense?". What is he happy about? He said, alas, my poems are so well written that they are close to Du Fu's level! Why does he feel that he is almost the same as Du Fu? Because this is a coincidence, it is a coincidence! Wang Yucheng is happy, but what do we see from this example? It is the first sentence quoted by Wang Anshi just now: "The good language in the world has been exhausted by Lao Du." Is a good sentence, beautiful poem, almost finished by Du Fu. Of course, the great poet of the Tang Dynasty was not only a Du Fu, but also a Bai Juyi. There were also Li Bai, Wang Wei and Li Shangyin in the Tang Dynasty. There were many excellent poets who wrote so many good poems. We can really say that the poets in the Tang Dynasty have written almost all the sights they can see and the joys and sorrows they can feel in ancient life, and they have written them very well. That's why Wang Anshi has such a sigh. The implication is that how can we write poetry?