Seven Ancients·Send off Zongyu Ichiro to the east. The clouds are blooming and the clouds are gathering in Hengyue. When he was young, Qu Jia Cai was an outstanding figure and the mountains and rivers had a wonderful atmosphere. You are walking and I am singing a great song, and the Kunpeng is striking the waves from here on out. The Xiangshui River in Dongting rose to the sky, and the giant ship pointed eastward. A day of sorrow spreads out for no reason, but fortunately the east wind blows thousands of miles away. My husband is so worried about anything that he wants to look at the universe like rice. There is no need to worry about the sea flowing across the sea, but there is no reason for the chaos in the world. Take care of your body and mind, and keep the sun and moon in your heart always new and beautiful. He has been famous for five hundred years, and all the princes have only left their sons. Pinglang had many friendships before becoming an official, but Chongming was unfaithful to Ma Yi. I have returned the book from Zhuojian in Japan, so I will return to Yajun. Zongyu Ichiro goes eastward] Zongyu Ichiro is the pseudonym Luo Zhanglong used when he first corresponded with Mao Zedong in 1915. In April 1918, before Luo left for Japan, the Xinmin Society had a dinner at Pinglang Palace outside the north gate of Changsha to bid him farewell. Mao Zedong wrote this poem under the pseudonym "Twenty-eight Painters" to see him off. Luo's arrival in Shanghai happened to coincide with May 7 (the day in 1915 when the Japanese government issued an ultimatum to Yuan Shikai's government, requiring Yuan to respond within a time limit to acknowledge Japan's "Twenty-one Articles" aimed at monopolizing China). At that time, the Japanese government police Insulting and beating patriotic Chinese students, forcing them to return to the country. Luo therefore did not go to Japan. Luo Zhanglong (1896-1995) was born in Liuyang, Hunan. He joined the Communist Party of China in 1921 and was expelled from the Party in 1931. Later, he served as a professor at Henan University, Northwest Associated University, Hunan University and other universities. Served as a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. [Tianma Phoenix] refers to two adjacent hills southeast of Yuelu Mountain and west of Xiangjiang River. [Qu Jia] Qu Yuan of Chu State during the Warring States Period and Jia Yi of the Han Dynasty were both extremely talented. [Block] Gather. The ancients said that when the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers gathers, talents will be produced. [艉艨(chōngméngchargemeng)] commonly known as "艨艉", battleship. This refers to a ship. [The Universe Looks at Fan Mi] Treat worldly things as normal. Fan (tí title), the name of grass, is as strong as millet. Yanmi, describes small. [Everything in the world is governed by the king's principles] According to Luo Zhanglong, this is the author's original poem. When Luo first provided this poem in 1979 in his article "Reminiscences of the Xinmin Society (from Hunan to Beijing)", he felt that he had failed to live up to his old friend's high expectations, so he changed it to "What's the point in the world?" Later he expressed his intention to restore the original verse. [Famous for 500 years now] Famous, famous all over the world. "Mencius Gongsun Chouxia": "In five hundred years, a king will surely rise, and during this period there will be a famous person." Mediocre, mediocre. "Book of the Later Han·Biography of Mi Heng": "They are often called: 'The eldest son Kong Wenju, the younger son Yang Dezu. The remaining sons are Lu Lu, not enough to count.'" Yu Zi, the rest of the people. [Chongming is separated by a strip of water] Chongming Island in the Yangtze River Estuary and Tsushima Island in Japan are separated by only a strip of water. According to the Records of the Queen of Chen in Southern History, Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty said that Sui and Chen were only separated by "a strip of water", comparing the Yangtze River to a strip of clothes. [东莛(yíngying)] East China Sea, later also refers to Japan. [I am returning to you from the cliff] "Zhuangzi·Shanmu": "Those who see you off all come back from the cliff, and you are far away from here!" Turn back.