When Taizi Dan was afraid, he asked Jing Qing, "Qin Bing crossed Yishui at dusk, but he has to wait for a long time. How can he get it?" Jing Qing said, "Wang Wei said I would like to be praised. If I don't keep my word today, Qin will be unfriendly. My husband, General Fan, and the King of Qin bought a thousand pounds of gold and a thousand cities. If I can get General Fan's head, I will present it to the King of Qin with Yan Du Kang, and the King of Qin will say that I will meet the minister, and I will repay the Prince. " The prince said, "General Fan is poor when he comes to Dan. Dan can't bear to hurt the old man with his own selfish interests. I wish I could be more worried! "
Knowing that the King of Qin could not bear it, Jing Ke went to see Fan privately, saying, "Qin has met many generals. Parents and clans were killed. I heard that I bought the heads of generals, Jin Jin and Wan Jia. What would you do? " General Fan looked up at the sky and cried, "Every time I think about it, it hurts my bones. I don't even know what to say! " He said: "There is a saying today that can solve the problem of Yan State and avenge the general." Van Yuqi said, "Why?" Jing Ke said, "May the general's head be dedicated to Qin, and the king of Qin will be happy and good at meeting his ministers. My left hand sleeve and my right hand patted my chest, but the general got revenge, and the shame of Yan Jianling was completely removed. Is the general interested? " Fan leaned on his wrist and said, "I gritted my teeth day and night, but now I can learn!" Suicide.
When the prince heard about it, he rushed to it and cried on the body. He was very sad. Now, there is nothing to do, but I accept the model and seal it for the first time.
So the prince asked for the dagger of the world in advance, got the dagger of Mrs. Zhao, and took one hundred gold for the public to quench with medicine. In order to test people, blood, people are all dead. This is for Jing Ke.
Qin Wuyang, a warrior of Yan State, was killed at the age of thirteen, and people dare not underestimate him. Is to let Qin Wuyang be the deputy.
Jing Ke is waiting to keep pace with the world. Its people live in the distant future, but it is reserved.
It hasn't arrived yet, but the prince is late. Doubting that he had regretted it, he asked, "The days are numbered. Does Jing Qing have no intention? " Dan, please ask Qin Wuyang to move forward! "Jing Ke was furious and scolded the prince:" Those who go today and never return are also right! I'm going to Qiang Qin with a dagger, so I'll stay with you and treat you as a guest. The prince is late today, please resign! "So.
Both the prince and the guests who knew about it received white gifts. To Yishui, both ancestors and Tao. Gao Jianli strikes the floor, Jing Ke and sings. All the scholars cried in order to change their voices. He walked in front and sang: "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the strong man is gone forever!" After the generous feather sound, all the people were surprised and crowned. So Jing Ke got out of the car and finally ignored it.
As soon as I arrived in Qin, I took my daughter's money and left the son of Qin's favorite.
Wei Jiaxian said to the king of Qin, "The prince of Yan really inspired the power of the king, and he dared not be repelled by dispatch troops. He wants the whole country to be his interior minister. Compared with princes, tribute is like a county, and you have to serve the ancestral temple of the former king. I dare not confess. I want to behead Fan and present the map of Governor Yankang. The letter was sealed by the prince and sent to the court so that the messenger could hear the king's words. Only the king ordered it. "
The king of Qin was overjoyed when he heard about it. This is a royal costume, set up nine guests, and see the Yan messenger Xianyang Palace.
Jing Ke received a letter from Fan and Qin Wuyang received a map box. To your majesty, Qin Wuyang became pale and frightened, and all the ministers were responsible for it. Jing Ke laughed at the five sheep. The former was Xie Yue: "I have never seen the son of heaven, so I was shocked. I hope your majesty will borrow less and be better. " The king of Qin said, "Get up and bring the map that Wuyang is holding!" "
I have taken the picture and sent it. See you for the dagger. Because the left hand holds the sleeve of the king of Qin and the right hand holds the dagger. Before he reached the body, the king of Qin was shocked. From the beginning, he never had sleeves. Draw the sword, the sword is long, and fuck its room. In a hurry, the sword is tied and can't be pulled out.
Jing Ke chased the king of Qin, and the king of Qin returned to the column. The ministers were shocked, and in a fright, they lost their senses. Qin fa, on the other hand, is not allowed to hold a ruler to serve the temple; All card shark soldiers, line up, your highness, unless there is a letter. Party urgent, it is better to call soldiers, Jing Ke chasing the king of Qin, pawn urgent chariot, but with the hand.
Xia Wuqie, the attending physician at that time, gave him the medicine bag. The king of Qin also left the column, but he was in a hurry and didn't know what to do. The left and right said, "Wang holds a sword! Wang negative sword! " Then he pulled it out and hit Jing Ke, breaking his left thigh. Jing Ke abandoned it and led his dagger to stab the king of Qin, but missed, hitting the upright post. The king of Qin hit the cave again and was beaten eight times.
When he knew something was wrong, he leaned against the post and smiled. He stood on his head and scolded him, saying, "Those who don't do things want to rob with their lives, and they must make a contract to repay the prince."
Left and right both before, cut Jing Ke. The king of Qin fainted for a long time. Wang Jian, the general of Qin State, conquered Zhao State, captured the king of Zhao State, occupied all the land of Zhao State, marched northward and occupied the land, and reached the southern border of Yan State.
Yan Wangdan was very scared and asked Jing Ke, "Qin Jun is going to cross Yishui soon, so although I want to serve you for a long time, how can I do it?" Jing Ke said, "Even if the Prince doesn't say anything, I will ask for action. There is nothing to trust now, so I can't get close to the king of Qin. Now General Wang Fan of Qin uses 1,000 kilograms of gold and a fief with a population of 10,000 as a reward for buying his head. If I can really get General Fan's head and the map of Du Kang, the state of Yan, and dedicate it to the king of Qin, the king of Qin will be happy to summon me, and I will have a way to repay the prince. " The prince said, "General Fan came to me because he was desperate and embarrassed. I can't bear to hurt the hearts of virtuous people because of my personal grievances. I hope you will consider other countermeasures! "
Knowing that the Prince could not bear it, Jing Ke met Fan privately and said, "The State of Qin treated the generals with extreme cruelty. Father, mother and people of the same race were all killed or enslaved. Now I hear that you want to buy the general's head with one thousand kilograms of gold and a fief with a population of ten thousand. What would you do? " General Fan lay on his back, sighed for a long time, and said with tears: "Whenever I think about this, I often hate my bones, but I can't think of any tricks!" Jing Ke said, "Now I have a suggestion that can be used to relieve Yan's worries and repay the general's deep hatred. How about it? " Fan Yuqi stepped forward and asked, "What should I do?" Jing Ke said, "I hope to get the head of General Fan and dedicate it to the State of Qin. The king of Qin will greet me happily and cordially. I grabbed his sleeve with my left hand and stabbed him in the chest with my right hand. In this way, the general's revenge was avenged, and Yan's humiliation of being bullied was removed. Does the general have this intention? " Van Yuqi took off his sleeve and showed an arm, holding his right wrist in his left hand, and said, "This is what I grind my teeth and beat my chest day and night. Now I can hear your confession! " So he killed himself.
When the prince heard about it, he rushed to the carriage, fell on Fan's body, and began to cry, very sad. Water under the bridge. There was no way to save it, so I packed Fan's head and sealed it in a box.
So the prince searched for a sharp dagger in the world in advance, got Mrs. Zhao's dagger, bought it with one hundred gold, and asked the craftsman to quench it with poisonous water. When people do experiments, their clothes are wet with blood. There is no one who doesn't die at once. So I packed my bags and sent Jing Ke on his way. Qin Wuyang, a warrior of Yan State, killed a man when he was twelve years old. People were afraid to look him in the eye, so he asked Qin Wuyang to be his assistant.
Jing Ke is waiting for someone and wants to go with him. The man lived far away and didn't come, so he stopped to wait for him. It was a while before he left. The Prince suspected that Jing Ke had left late, that he had changed his mind and regretted it, and told him to say, "The days are numbered. Aren't you leaving? " Please allow me to send Qin Wuyang in advance! Jing Ke was very angry and scolded the prince, saying, "It's no use going today. Don't come back to me, son! Now I have just entered an unexpected state of violence in Qin with a dagger. I stayed because I was waiting for my guest to go with him. Now the prince thinks I'm late, please allow me to say goodbye! "So I set out.
The prince who knew about this and his guests all wore white clothes and white hats to see him off. If you go to Xiaoshui to sacrifice to a passing god, you must go your own way. Gao Jianli knocked on the floor, and Jing Ke sang to the beat, making a sound of change. All the guests cried quietly with tears in their eyes. Jing Ke sang in his previous works: "The wind moans and the water is freezing. When a strong man leaves, he will never return! " There are tragic feathers. All the guests opened their eyes wide and their hair stood up on their hats. So Jing Ke got on the bus and left, never looking back.
When he arrived in the State of Qin, he brought a gift worth thousands of dollars and generously gave it to Meng Jia, the favorite son of the King of Qin. Meng Jia advised the king of Qin in advance on his behalf, saying, "The prince is really afraid of the majesty of the king of Qin, and dare not send troops to resist. He is willing to be a subject of Qin in the whole country, ranking among the princes (meaning: Yan is willing to respect the king of Qin as the son of heaven with other princes), pay taxes like the counties of Qin, and preserve the land left by his ancestors. They are too scared to make their own statement. They cut off Fan's head, took out a map of Du Kang in Yan State, sealed it in a box and disguised it. The prince bowed down at the court and sent messengers to tell the king. All obey the king's orders. " The king of Qin was very happy to hear Meng Jia's words. So he put on his royal robes, arranged a ceremony for nine guests, and met the envoys of the State of Yan in Xianyang Palace.
Jing Ke, holding a box with a picture in his hand, and Qin Wuyang, holding a map box, went into the palace in sequence and came to the front steps of the temple. Qin Wuyang's face changed greatly and he was very afraid, which surprised the ministers of Qin State. Jing Ke turned to Qin Wuyang and smiled. He came forward to apologize to the king of Qin for him. He said: "The common people in the northern barbarian areas have never seen the son of heaven, so they are afraid. I hope the king will forgive him a little and let him complete his immediate mission. " The king of Qin said to Jing Ke, "Get up and bring the map that Wuyang took!"
Jing Ke took the map and gave it to the king of Qin. When he opened the map, the dagger was exposed. So Jing Ke grabbed the sleeve of the king of Qin with his left hand and stabbed him with a dagger with his right hand. Before he stabbed the king of Qin, the king of Qin was very frightened. He straightened up and broke his sleeve. The king of Qin drew his sword, which was very long, so he took the scabbard. At that time, the king of Qin was afraid and anxious, and the sword was inserted very tightly and could not be pulled out at once. Jing Ke chased the king of Qin, who ran around the pillar. The ministers of Qin were stunned. Things happened suddenly and unexpectedly, and everyone lost their normal state. Moreover, according to the law of Qin, courtiers can't carry any weapons when standing in the temple; Those palace guards, armed with weapons, were arranged at the steps of the palace. They could not enter the temple without the king's order. In an emergency, it was too late to call the guards under the order, so Jing Ke chased the king of Qin, and everyone panicked. There is no weapon to kill Jing Ke, they just fight Jing Ke with their bare hands.
At this time, Xia Wuqie (jū), the attendant medical officer of the King of Qin, threw the medicine bag in his hand at Jing Ke. The king of Qin was still running around the pillar, and he didn't know what to do. The courtiers said, "Your Majesty, put the sword on your back! The king carries his sword on his back! " The king of Qin drew his sword to attack Jing Ke and cut off Jing Ke's left thigh. When Jing Ke fell, he raised his dagger and hit the king of Qin. He missed and hit the post. The king of Qin struck Jing Ke again, and Jing Ke was cut in eight places. Jing Ke himself knows that things can't succeed. He leaned against the post and smiled. He sat on the ground with his legs crossed like a dustpan and scolded, "The reason why things didn't succeed was to hijack you alive. You must take a contract to repay the prince! "
The courtiers of the King of Qin stepped forward and killed Jing Ke. Afterwards, the king of Qin fainted for a long time. The emperor and the assassin
Zhao Zheng, the king of Qin [1][2] attached great importance to Liao Wei and was bent on unifying the Central Plains and constantly attacking other countries. He broke up the alliance between Yan and Zhao, which cost Yan several cities. Yan Wangdan originally stayed in Qin as a hostage. When he saw that Zheng was determined to annex other countries and took the land of Yan, he secretly fled back to Yan. He hated Qin and was bent on revenge for Yan. But he didn't train, and he didn't intend to contact the vassals against Qin, but pinned the fate of Yan on the assassin. He took out all his possessions and looked for someone who could stab the king of Qin.
Later, Taizi Dan found a very capable soldier named Jing Ke. In 230 BC, Qin destroyed Korea; Two years later, Jin Wang, the general of Qin State, occupied Handan, the capital of Zhao State, and marched northward to approach Yan State. Yan Taizi Dan was in a hurry and went to Jing Ke. Ask him to assassinate the king of Qin. Jing Ke said, "Yes, but if we want to get close to the king of Qin, we must first convince him that we want to make peace with him. It is said that the king of Qin had long wanted the most fertile land in Yan State (in Zhuoxian County, Hebei Province). Fan, a general of the Qin Dynasty, was exiled to the State of Yan, and the king of Qin offered a reward for his capture. If I can bring the head of General Fan and the map of Du Kang to the King of Qin, he will certainly meet me. So I can deal with him. "
Knowing that Prince Taizi Dan couldn't stand it, Jing Ke went to Fan privately and said, "I have an idea that can help Yan eliminate disasters and avenge the general, but I just can't say it." Fan Yuqi quickly said: "What idea, you are quick to say!" Jing Ke said, "I decided to assassinate him for fear that I would never see the King of Qin again. Now the king of Qin has offered a reward for your arrest. If I can give him your headband, he will definitely see me. " Van Yuqi said, "OK, just take it!" With that, he drew his sword and committed suicide.
Prince Taizi Dan prepared a sharp dagger in advance and asked craftsmen to cook it with poison. Anyone who is stabbed with a drop of blood by this dagger will die immediately. He gave this dagger to Jing Ke as a weapon to assassinate, and sent Qin Wuyang, a warrior who killed at the age of thirteen, as Jing Ke's deputy.
In 227 BC, Jing Ke set out from Yan State for Xianyang. Prince Taizi Dan and several guests put on white hats and went to Yishui (now Yixian County, Hebei Province) to bid farewell. When he left, Jing Ke sang a song for everyone: "The wind is rustling and the water is cold, and the strong man is gone forever." Jing Ke jumped on the bus and left without looking back.
Jing Ke arrived in Xianyang. Zheng was very happy when he heard that Yan sent messengers to give Fan his head and a map of Du Kang. He immediately put on his royal robes and met Jing Ke in Xianyang Palace. The ceremony of meeting the audience began. Jing Ke took a box with a picture of Fan in his hand, and Qin Wuyang took a map of Du Kang in his hand and stepped onto the steps of the Qin Dynasty step by step. When Qin Wuyang saw the majestic posture of Qin State, he couldn't help shivering with fear. The guards around the king of Qin saw it and shouted, "Why did the emissary change his face?" Jing Ke looked back and saw Qin Wuyang's face was black and blue. He smiled and said to the king of Qin, "Rude people are afraid because they have never seen the majesty of the king. Please forgive him. " After that, Qin Wangzheng was a little skeptical and said to Jing Ke, "Tell Qin Wuyang to give you the map and come up by himself." Jing Ke took the map from Qin Wuyang and presented it to the king of Qin with a affairs box. Qin opened the affairs box, and it was Fan's head. Qin Wangzheng also asked Jing Ke to bring the map. Jing Ke slowly opened a roll of maps. When all the maps were opened, a dagger that Jing Ke had rolled in the map in advance was exposed. When Qin saw it, he jumped up in shock. Jing Ke hurriedly grabbed the dagger, left hand pulls the sleeve of Qin, and right hand plunges the dagger into Qin's chest. Qin stepped back hard and broke his sleeve. Jing Ke went after him with a dagger. Seeing that he couldn't run any further, Qin ran around the big copper pillar in the hall. Jing Ke pressed. The two men wandered around like merry-go-round. Although there are many officials around, they are unarmed; According to the rules of the state of Qin, the samurai under the steps are not allowed to go to the temple without the order of the king of Qin. Everyone was so anxious that no one called the samurai under the stage. Among these officials, there is a doctor who serves Qin, named Xia Wuxie. He used his quick wits, grabbed the medicine bag in his hand and threw it at Jing Ke. Jing Ke raised his hand and the medicine bag flew to one side. Blink of an eye, Qin stepped forward, pulled out his sword and cut off Jing Ke's left leg. Jing Ke couldn't stand and fell to the ground. He picked up a dagger and threw it at the king of Qin. Qin only flashed to the right, and the dagger flew past his ear, hitting the copper pillar and popping out of Mars with a bang. Jing Ke, the king of Qin, had no weapons in his hand, so he went to power and cut several swords at Jing Ke. Jing Ke was shot with eight swords. Knowing that he had failed, he said with a wry smile, "I didn't start earlier." I originally wanted to force you to return to Yan. " At that time, the attendants warriors have arrived at the temple together, ending Jing Ke's life. Jing Ke (? -227 BC) At the end of the Warring States Period, he was called Qingqing. It is said that he was originally a descendant of Qi Guoqing's family, and later moved to Weiguo and changed his surname to Jing. Wei called him and Yan called him. Wei was originally a big country in the Spring and Autumn Period, but later it was gradually invaded, and most of the land was taken away by Zhao Wei. In the end, there was only one city left in Weiguo, and it became a vassal of Wei. According to experts, Tianping Mountain Scenic Area in Linzhou, Anyang, Henan Province is the birthplace of Qin hero Jing Ke.
Jing Ke likes reading and fencing. He once swam about Wei, but it was useless. After traveling around the world, he interacted with celebrities and heroes from all over the world. Once, on the swords of Yuci and Nie Gai, lovers were lovers, Nie Gai glared, and Jing Ke walked away. In Handan, he and Lu Gou Kenji played chess and gambled and quarreled with each other. Lu Goujian berated him, but he walked away. I went to Yan State again, and made friends with Gao Jianli, a local dog butcher who is good at fighting and building, and became bosom friends. Jing Ke likes drinking and drinks with Gao Jianli in the market every day. The wine was hot, and the ceremony struck the floor. Jing Ke sang and wept, thinking that there was no confidant in the world. Tian Guang, a Chu Shi of Yan State, also met Jing Ke and thought that he was not an ordinary person.
People often think that Taizi Dan is a young and impatient person, but he is not. He is an old man and a half. At that time, when he went to Handan and Zhao was taken hostage, he was at least eighteen years old (otherwise he wouldn't be taken hostage), and at that time, Qin was less than eight years old. Now the king of Qin has become a 32-year-old strong man, and Taizi Dan should be 40 or 50 years old and an old prince.
Jing Ke was born.
China was a famous assassin in the Warring States Period. Zhuoxian people, also known as Qingqing, Jing Qing and Zero2IPO, were born in the Qin Dynasty and now live in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, and are descendants of Qing Feng, a doctor of the State of Qi in the Spring and Autumn Period. Entrusted by Yan Taizi Dan, he stabbed the king of Qin to death and was killed in failure. At the end of the Warring States Period, wei ren, a Han nationality, was fond of reading and fencing, and was generous and chivalrous. After traveling in Yan State, he was called "Jing Qing" (or Uncle Jing), and was recommended to Taizi Dan by Tian Guang, a brave and profound "chivalrous man" in Yan State, and worshipped as Shangqing. After Zhao was destroyed by Qin, the soldiers pointed to the southern border of Yan, and Taizi Dan was frightened. After consulting with Tian Guang, he decided to send Jing Ke into Qin to stab the king of Qin. Jing Ke presented Taizi Dan, and proposed to present the head map of Qin Yijun Fan to the King of Qin and Yan Du Kang (now the areas around Zhuoxian, Yixian and Gu 'an in Hebei Province are fertile soil). Prince Taizi Dan could not bear to kill Fan, so Jing Ke had to meet Fan privately and tell the truth. Van Yuqi committed suicide to fulfill Jing Ke. In 227 BC, Jing Ke came to the State of Qin with the map of Yan Du Kang and Fan's head to assassinate the king of Qin. Before he left, many people saw Jing Ke off at the Yishui River. The scene is very tragic. "The wind blows and the water cools, and the strong men are gone forever", which is a poem sung by Jing Ke when he left. After Jing Ke came to Qin, the king of Qin summoned him in Xianyang Palace. When Jing Ke presented a picture of Yan Du Kang, he was blacked out, stabbed to death the king of Qin and killed. Sima Qian's Jing Ke Part in Biography of the Assassin in Historical Records.
Jing Ke, no one can defend anyone. First of all, Qi people migrated to Wei, which Wei people called it. And Yan, Yan people call it Jing Qing. Jing Ke is good at reading swordsmanship. He says Wei has skill, but Wei doesn't. ..... Jing Ke is not only to the Yan people, but also to the Yan people's dog slaughter and high sword ceremony, good at fighting and building. Jing Ke is a heavy drinker, drinking with Dog Tu and Gao Jianli in Yan City every day. In the past, when the wine was warm and the ears were hot, Jing Ke sang the city happily. I cried, and no one saw it. Although Jing Ke swims in wine, it is a profound and good book; All the princes he visited were related to their noble elders. Its swallow, Mr. Tian Guang, is also kind to it and knows that it is not mediocre. Living in the Qing Dynasty, I died in Qin State and returned to Yan State. Yan Taizi Dan, so he tasted the quality of Zhao, and Qin was born in Zhao, and had fun with Dan when he was young. The political establishment is the king of Qin, and Dan is in Qin. When the king of Qin met the prince of Yan, Dan was not good, and Dan died of resentment. The person who wants to report to the king of Qin is too young to do so. Later, Qin and Japan sent troops to cut Qi, Chu and Sanjin in Shandong, and slightly invaded the princes. As for Yan and Yan Junchen, they were all afraid of disaster. When Taizi Dan suffered, ... Jing Ke saw the prince ... Jing Ke sat down, and the prince bowed his head and said, "How ... today's Qin Dynasty is greedy for profits, but its desire is not enough. Unless I am a piece of land in the world, I will never get tired of being king of the sea. ..... Yan is small and weak, and the number is trapped by soldiers. Today, the whole country is not enough to become the A Qin Dynasty. The ministers served Qin and dared not follow. Dan's private plan, fool thinks that the warriors in the world are sincere in Qin and do whatever they want; The king of Qin is insatiable and is bound to get what he wants. Sincerely robbed the king of Qin, so that he knew that the princes invaded the land. It would be great if Cao Mo and Qi Huangong were together. You can't, so kill it. If general Qin is good at fighting outside and chaotic inside, the monarch and his subjects are suspicious, so that the princes can live in harmony and Qin will be broken. This Dan is willing, but he doesn't know what he has been entrusted with. Only Jing Qing values it. " After a long time, Jing Ke said, "Things in this country are also important. I am afraid it is not enough for me." The prince nodded in front of him and told him not to give up, and then agreed. So Jing Qing was honored as the superior, and she gave up. The prince builds doors every day, providing them with too many tools for foreign objects to get in. He rode the figure of a beautiful woman as Jing Ke wished, to his liking. For a long time, Jing Ke did nothing. ..... (The following is the plot of Jing Ke stabbing the king of Qin) On merit, rewarding a minister is different from sitting, giving Xia Innocent 200 gold, saying, "If you don't love me, you can bring Jing Ke a medicine bag." So the king of Qin was furious, the more soldiers attacked Zhao, and ordered Wang Jianjun to attack Yan. Pulling thrips in October. Yan and Taizi Dan tried their best to protect their elite soldiers in Liaodong. Li Xin, the general of the Qin Dynasty, was eager to chase the prince. He left a happy letter to the prince on behalf of Wang Jia, saying: "Qin was particularly anxious to chase the prince, so it was also because of Taizi Dan." Now that Wang Cheng has killed Dan Xian, the king of Qin will be freed, and the country is fortunate to have blood and food. " Later, Li Xin chased Dan, and Dan hid in the water. The prince of Yan wanted to kill Taizi Dan and offer Qin. Fu Qin invaded and attacked it. In the last five years, the Qin Dynasty killed Yan, and Rebecca was very happy. Next year, Qin will merge with the world and be named emperor.