When the rich see it, they will stay at home; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left. He knows each other's beauty, but he doesn't know why they are beautiful.
Xi Shi is walking in the street with a frown. An ugly woman in the same village saw this and thought it was beautiful. When she went back, she also covered her chest, frowning and touching her forehead, and walked down the street.
When the rich people in the village saw her like this, they all closed the door and refused to come out; When the poor see it, they take their wives and children and stay away from it. The ugly woman saw the beauty of the frown, but she didn't understand why it was beautiful.
Therefore, no matter how she imitated it, she did not comment on the beauty of the stone: the year of birth and death is unknown. The surname is Shi, a native of Zhu Luo (now Jinan, Zhejiang).
Fan Li first gave her to Gou Jian, the king of Yue, and then to Fu Cha, the king of Wu, who became Fu Cha's favorite concubine. Legend has it that he later left the court of Yue State to do business with his teacher.
Sick heart: Being sick is painful. Frown.
Return: Return. Go: avoid, avoid.
Li: That village. I mean holding it in my hand, which means leadership here.
Beauty: think about beauty with action words. She only knows the beauty of frowning.
Effect: imitation. Disease: trouble.
So beauty: the reason of beauty, why beauty. Appreciation of the article: the sentences that use exaggeration in the article are: the rich people in it saw it, but they stayed behind; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left.
You can't imitate this paragraph blindly when editing it. If you imitate others blindly, it may be counterproductive. Dong Shixiao Xiao: idiom, effect: imitation; Frown.
Metaphor is random imitation, and the effect is extremely bad. Xi is one of the "four beauties" in the history of China. She was a Vietnamese in the Spring and Autumn Period and suffered from heartache.
Frowning your chest when you are sick is better than usual. Dong Shi, a girl from the same village, frowned like Shi, because she was ugly, and because she deliberately imitated Shi's movements, her strange posture was even more offensive.
The pronunciation effect of d ng sh Xia o pín: imitation; Chin: Celebrate and frown. Dong Shi: Ugly Woman of Yue State.
Imitating others is not only bad imitation, but also a shame. Sometimes, it is also a word of self-modesty, which shows that your foundation is poor and you have not absorbed the strengths of others. Blind imitation is a bad analogy. Usage as predicate, object and attribute is derogatory.
A synonym for Handan toddler, imitating a cat and painting a tiger, copying mechanically, following suit, following suit (including praise). The antonyms of Wang Jianfeng's paintings are unique, unconventional, self-deprecating, good-choosing, homophonic, cruel and heartless, throwing herself at the dead.
2. Classical Chinese has complete answers and answers. Xi Shi was sick and stunned. The ugly people inside were beautiful and stunned. When the rich see it, they will stay at home; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left. He knows each other's beauty, but he doesn't know why they are beautiful.
Xi Shi is walking in the street with a frown. An ugly woman in the same village saw this and thought it was beautiful. When she went back, she also covered her chest, frowning and touching her forehead, and walked down the street. When the rich people in the village saw her like this, they all closed the door and refused to come out; When the poor see it, they take their wives and children and stay away from it. The ugly woman saw the beauty of the frown, but she didn't understand why it was beautiful. So no matter how she imitates it, it is not as beautiful as the beauty in Beauty.
Shi: The year of birth and death is unknown. The surname is Shi, a native of Zhu Luo (now Jinan, Zhejiang). Fan Li first gave her to Gou Jian, the king of Yue, and then to Fu Cha, the king of Wu, who became Fu Cha's favorite concubine. Legend has it that he later left the court of Yue State to do business with his teacher. Sick heart: Being sick is painful. Frown. Return: Return. Go: avoid, avoid. Li: That village. I mean holding it in my hand, which means leadership here. Beauty: think about beauty with action words. She only knows the beauty of frowning. Effect: imitation. Disease: trouble. So beauty: the reason of beauty, why beauty. Appreciation of the article: the sentences that use exaggeration in the article are: the rich people in it saw it, but they stayed behind; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left.
Edit this paragraph.
You can't imitate blindly. If you imitate others blindly, it may be counterproductive.
Dong Shixiao Xiao: idiom, effect: imitation; Frown. Metaphor is random imitation, and the effect is extremely bad. Xi is one of the "four beauties" in the history of China. She was a Vietnamese in the Spring and Autumn Period and suffered from heartache. Frowning your chest when you are sick is better than usual. Dong Shi, a girl from the same village, frowned like Shi, because she was ugly, and because she deliberately imitated Shi's movements, her strange posture was even more offensive.
The pronunciation effect of d ng sh Xia o pín: imitation; Chin: Celebrate and frown. Dong Shi: Ugly Woman of Yue State. Imitating others is not only bad imitation, but also a shame. Sometimes, it is also a word of self-modesty, which shows that your foundation is poor and you have not absorbed the strengths of others. Blind imitation is a bad analogy. Usage as predicate, object and attribute is derogatory. A synonym for Handan toddler, painting a tiger according to a cat, copying mechanically, and following suit, just like Wang Jianfeng's "Idiom Works".
The antonym is unique, unconventional, self-deprecating, choosing good and following the same rhyme, cruel and heartless, relying on others and following, pushing to death to survive.
3. Urgent 1. Explain the meaning of adding words: (1) ugly people are beautiful when they see it (think it is beautiful, here it is used as a verb).
(2) slap your wife and leave (leave). 2. Explain this sentence: (1) Stone is walking in the street, his heart is very painful and he is frowning. (2) The ugly woman saw Shi's frown was beautiful, but she didn't understand why it was so beautiful.
3. The direct cause of Dong Shi's ugliness is Dong Shi's ugliness. He blindly imitates Xi Shi's actions, making him uglier and more pretentious. The root cause is: blind imitation, not only does not imitate well, but makes yourself ugly.
4. The function of that short article describing the people in East Shili is to set off the beauty of Xi Shi from the opposite side, which is unparalleled. 15. Idioms similar to "learning from the East" are: Handan toddler, cat painting tiger, copying mechanically, following the trend (you can choose two). Please adopt them. Thanks for your support.
4. Classical Chinese original: There is a disease in the heart of the stone. The ugly one sees it and the beautiful one sees it. The ugly one sees it and the beautiful one returns to it. The rich people inside saw it and stayed at home; When the poor saw it, they left it to their wives. They know the beauty of each other, but they don't know the beauty of each other. 1. 1. Shi is sick, look inside,: (sick) 2. The ugly man inside saw beauty and explained "beauty": (praise beauty). Give another example of classical Chinese that I have learned: (knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing) 2. The moral of this fable is: (Don't blindly imitate what others say, otherwise it will be counterproductive. Everyone should develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses according to their own characteristics and find an image that suits them. It is foolish to imitate others blindly.
5. Read China's classical literature for the East. 1 "Zhuangzi Tian Yun" cloud: Shiduo is sick and dumbfounded, and his ugliness is beautiful, but he is also stunned, and his wealth is closed; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left.
He knows each other's beauty, but he doesn't know why they are beautiful. (2) The thirtieth time in A Dream of Red Mansions: "If the flowers are really buried, it can be said that they have an eastern effect." Look at the source of allusions.
Allusions During the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a beautiful woman named Shi in the state of Yue. No matter what she does, she talks and smiles, everything is lovely. She wears light makeup and simple clothes, but no matter where she goes, many people pay attention to her. She is so beautiful that no one can but marvel at her beauty.
Shi suffers from heartburn. One day, her illness broke out again. She put her hand over her chest and frowned, revealing a charming female beauty.
When she walked through the countryside, all the villagers stared at her with wide eyes. There is an ugly woman in the country, who is vulgar and speaks loudly, but dreams of being a beautiful woman all day.
Wear such clothes today and comb her hair like that tomorrow, but no one says she is beautiful. On this day, she saw Shi clutching his chest and frowning to win the favor of so many people. Therefore, when she went back, she also learned to look like it. The affectation of covering her chest makes her look even uglier, which can be described as "putting on airs".
As a result, the rich man saw the ugly monster and immediately closed the door; When the poor saw the ugly girl coming, they immediately took their wives and children away from each other. People were heartbroken when they saw this grotesque ugly woman who imitated the stone and walked around the village. It's like seeing the plague.
The ugly woman only knows that Shi's frown is beautiful, but she doesn't know why she is beautiful. She just imitated her appearance and was laughed at. Xi Shi's heart is sick, and the ugly people inside are all beautiful, and holding the heart is also happy.
When the rich see it, they will stay at home; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left. He knows each other's beauty, but he doesn't know why they are beautiful.
Xi Shi is walking in the street with a frown. An ugly woman in the same village saw this and thought it was beautiful. When she went back, she also covered her chest, frowning and touching her forehead, and walked down the street.
When the rich people in the village saw her like this, they all closed the door and refused to come out; When the poor see it, they take their wives and children and stay away from it. The ugly woman saw the beauty of the frown, but she didn't understand why it was beautiful.
So no matter how she imitates it, it is not as beautiful as the beauty in Beauty. Note: History: The year of birth and death is unknown.
The surname is Shi, a native of Zhu Luo (now Jinan, Zhejiang). Fan Li first gave her to Gou Jian, the king of Yue, and then to Fu Cha, the king of Wu, who became Fu Cha's favorite concubine.
Legend has it that he later left the court of Yue State to do business with his teacher. Sick heart: Being sick is painful.
Frown. Return: Return.
Go: avoid, avoid. Li: That village.
I mean holding it in my hand, which means leadership here. Beauty: think about beauty with action words.
She only knows the beauty of frowning. Effect: imitation.
Disease: trouble. So beauty: the reason of beauty, why beauty.
Appreciation of the article: the sentences that use exaggeration in the article are: the rich people in it saw it, but they stayed behind; The poor saw it, slapped his wife and left. You can't imitate this paragraph blindly when editing it. If you imitate others blindly, it may be counterproductive.
Dong Shixiao Xiao: idiom, effect: imitation; Frown. Metaphor is random imitation, and the effect is extremely bad.
Xi is one of the "four beauties" in the history of China. She was a Vietnamese in the Spring and Autumn Period and suffered from heartache. Frowning your chest when you are sick is better than usual.
Dong Shi, a girl from the same village, frowned like Shi, because she was ugly, and because she deliberately imitated Shi's movements, her strange posture was even more offensive. The pronunciation effect of d ng sh Xia o pín: imitation; Chin: Celebrate and frown.
Dong Shi: Ugly Woman of Yue State. Imitating others is not only bad imitation, but also a shame. Sometimes, it is also a word of self-modesty, which shows that your foundation is poor and you have not absorbed the strengths of others. Blind imitation is a bad analogy.
Usage as predicate, object and attribute is derogatory. A synonym for Handan toddler, imitating a cat and painting a tiger, copying mechanically, following suit, following suit (including praise). The antonyms of Wang Jianfeng's paintings are unique, unconventional, self-deprecating, good-choosing, homophonic, cruel and heartless, throwing herself at the dead.
6. Translation and Rationality of the Classical Chinese "Dong Shi" In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a beautiful woman named Shi in Vietnam, who was lovable regardless of her gestures, voice and smile. Wearing light makeup and simple clothes. Everywhere she goes, many people "stare at her", and no one can but marvel at her beauty. Shi suffers from heartburn. One day, her illness broke out again. She put her hand over her chest and frowned, revealing a charming female beauty. When she walked through the countryside, all the villagers opened their eyes. There is an ugly girl named Dong Shi in the countryside. She looks ordinary and has no cultivation. She usually acts rudely and speaks loudly, but she dreams of becoming a beautiful woman all the time. Today she wears such clothes and combs her hair like that tomorrow, but still no one says she is beautiful. On this day, she saw the stone frowning on her chest and won the favor of so many people, so when she went back, she also learned to look like a stone, frowning on her chest and walking around the village. I didn't know that ugly girl's affectation made her look even uglier. As a result, the rich in rural areas saw the ugly monster and immediately closed the door tightly; The poor people in the countryside saw the ugly girl coming and immediately took away their wives and children. People were heartbroken when they saw this grotesque ugly woman who imitated the stone and walked around the village. It's like seeing the plague. The ugly woman only knows that Shi's frown is beautiful, but she doesn't know why she is beautiful. She just imitated her appearance and was laughed at. Everyone should develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses according to their own characteristics. It is foolish to look for an image that suits them and blindly imitate others.
Metaphor is not to understand people's real strengths, but to copy them mechanically, which is counterproductive. It also refers to the stupidity of mechanical imitators.
7. Urgent 1. Explain the meaning of adding words:
(1) ugly people are beautiful when they see it. (2) slap your wife and leave (leave).
2. Explain this sentence:
(1) Shi walked in the street with a frown.
(2) The ugly woman saw Shi's frown was beautiful, but she didn't understand why it was so beautiful.
3. The direct cause of Dong Shi's ugliness is Dong Shi's ugliness. He blindly imitates Xi Shi's actions, making him uglier and more pretentious.
The root cause is: blind imitation, not only does not imitate well, but makes yourself ugly.
4. The function of that short article describing the people in East Shili is to set off the beauty of Xi Shi from the opposite side, which is unparalleled.
15. Idioms similar to "learning from the East" are: Handan toddler, painting a tiger according to a cat, copying mechanically, and imitating with the wind (you can choose two of them).
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