In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Guan Yu died in Maicheng, but because of the backward communication at that time, Liu Bei, who was sitting in Xichuan, didn't know the death of his second brother Guan Yu. One night, Liu Bei dreamed that he was reading at night, and suddenly a man appeared in front of him. Liu Bei looked intently at his second brother Guan Yu and asked why Guan Yu suddenly appeared here. At this time, Guan Yu saw Liu Bei in tears and said eight words to Liu Bei, "May my brother arise and hate him together." Say that finish, it turned into an evil wind and disappeared.
Liu Bei was surprised when he woke up, just as Liao Hua came from Jingzhou. He told Liu Bei what had happened. When Liu Bei learned that his second brother Guan Yu was killed by Wu Dongdaying, he could not help but lament with tears in his face: "My brother has retired, and the clouds are long, so he is not alone." Then he fainted to the ground. After that, Liu Bei became desperate, rallied 50,000 troops with the strength of the whole country, and killed Sun Quan in Wu Dong.
However, the final result is not satisfactory. The 50,000 elite that Liu Bei worked hard to assemble all over the country was set on fire by Sun Quan. Since then, Guan Yu's great hatred has not been reported, and his own Shu country has also declined.