The poem describing separation is as follows:
The three thousand feet of Peach Blossom Pond water is not as good as Wang Lun’s gift to me. Entering Wu in the cold rainy night, I see off my guests in Chu Shangu in the morning. We know each other no matter how far we are, but we are still neighbors thousands of miles away. There are close friends in the sea, and there are neighbors in the world. I also sent the king and grandson away, full of love. The spring grass will be green next year, will the kings and grandsons return? The shadow of the solitary sail in the distance is gone in the blue sky, and only the Yangtze River can be seen flowing in the sky.
Only by virtue of one's own virtue can one make friends. Don't worry, there will be no friends in the future. No one in the world will know you. We are both fallen people at the end of the world, so why should we have known each other before.
Making friends depends on acquaintance, why should flesh and blood be intimate? Friends like paintings need to be light, mountains are like essays and do not like to be flat. The morning rain in Weicheng is light and dusty, and the guesthouses are green and willow-colored. I advise you to drink a glass of wine and leave Yangguan in the west without any old friends. ——Wang Wei·"Send Yuan Er Envoy to Anxi"
Send you off at the east gate of Luntai, leaving a place for horses to walk in the sky above the snow. There are no old or young people in a life-long friendship, so when it comes to friendship, why should we first agree with each other? I want to say goodbye to you, we are both eunuchs. There are close friends in the sea, and there are neighbors in the world.
When you are young, you enjoy new knowledge, but when you are old, you miss your old friends. Friendships in life end at the end, don't be divided by ups and downs. Outside the pavilion, beside the ancient road, the green grass reaches the sky. The evening breeze carries the faint sound of willow flutes, and the sun sets outside the mountains. At the end of the sky, at the corner of the sea, there are only a few close friends. A ladle of turbid wine has exhausted all the remaining joy. Don’t sleep in the cold tonight.